E Cig Reviews From Users Who Quit Smoking With One Of These Devices
Smokers nowadays has more devices to choose from.
These e cigs may have only been around for almost 3 years,

but they have in deed made a big impression on the way people smoke. A lot of people use the e cigs to help them give up the harmful cigarettes or others use them simply for smoking socially. There are many different sizes of the e cigs but the most popular being the "mini" as you can slide it into your suit case or pocket and take it wherever you wish. There seems to be quite a few people who would prefer one of these e cigarettes rather than the usual health deterring cigarettes.
The e cigs are a lot like normal cigarettes apart from the harmful smoke, they also have a red light at the tip to make it look and feel more realistic. The e cigs also look and feel like the real thing, they are the same size as a cigarette and some are the exact same weight so you really can't tell the difference. The only difference you notice is the improvement to your health!
The led light at the end of the vaporless cigarette is actually harmless and you can be reassured knowing that no person will be getting harmed when using one. The electronic cigarette battery reviews also give you a much faster nicotine hit than any patches or nicotine gum, it works by a small battery which activates an atomizer and turn the liquid nicotine into vapor. This vapor will give the user of the e cig a small nicotine hit which is much the same as a harmful cigarette does.
Most people are becoming accustomed to this electronic device because they enjoy the sensation that the e cig gives when you use it. They also like the fact you can choose the flavors and strengths, this is to give the user a choice in what they want their cigarette to taste like, personally I like rum and coke but there are many more including lemonade, orange, mint etc. The strength choosing is also very important because this is the very thing that makes you give up smoking in the end, if you start at the same strength your cigarettes are and lower the dosage, eventually you will not even want to smoke anymore.
By looking on the web before you decide to purchase one of these you will be improving your chances of coming across the best variety of e cig, there is such an array of them online that it will be impossible to not find one you like. So have a look around and have the freedom of smoking whenever you like..
Celebrities also use e cigs in daily life as perfect example is Jimmy White the snooker player he usually smokes vapor cigs at matches and contests as smoking in public is illegal in the UK. Alan Tichmarsh has also celebrated his 400th show by smoking his vapor cigarette on live on air and then handing out e cigs to his guests of the show. Even Paris Hilton has been spotted out and about using the e cigarette.