Easy Plan To Cure Hemorrhoids
Discover how to cure a hemorrhoid without spending precious funds on oral or topical medications.
Step by Step Plan On How To Cure Hemorrhoids1 Keep your anal area clean. Take tub baths several times a day in plain,
warm water.You do not need to use soap; in fact it could make the problem worse. Moisture can cause soreness, so you may want to lightly dry the anal area using a hair dryer.2 Utilise hemorrhoidal cream or suppository containing hydrocortisone to the affected area for a limited time. You could also try using pads containing witch hazel.3 Cold pressure can help in reducing the swelling.4 Use warm water in a sitz bath. These are derrihrea baths that you place over the toilet. It is a pain reliever for hemorrhoids patients. You can get one from your nearest drugstore.5 Add more fibre into your diet and drink more water. Intake 6 to 8 glasses of fluids daily. Eat fruits and vegetables. Fiber supplement and stool softener can also help a lot.6 Pay your doctor a visit if the suffering lasted for prolonged period. Visit a physician if excessive bleeding is present. If the condition is getting worse you may need a procedure. Not painful hemorroidal artery ligation operation (HALO) is getting popular as an approach to how to cure hemorrhoids.Advice on how to cure hemorrhoids.You will notice a marked improvement within three days. Keep practising these steps. A better lifestyle is what really helps. Remember, bacteria is the problem, and lots of soap and water is the answer!Bacteria is a main player in the complication of the hemorrhoid.Bad odor will disappear. This will indicate that you are free of bacterial action.This method has been used by Indians for many years, unlike westerners usage of toilet paper.Clean all soap thoroughly to forbid irritation.And that's all about how to cure hemorrhoids.