Easy Ways to Lose Weight with the Power of Your Mind

Feb 24


Wendy Betterini

Wendy Betterini

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Losing weight the traditional way usually involves a lot of hard work, struggle and sacrifice. Is there an easier way to lose weight? How about by using the power of your mind and the Law of Attraction?


Losing weight the old-fashioned way requires a lot of discipline and hard work - but what about starting the process from within? Is it easier to change your mind-set first?

That depends where you are starting from. Just like exercise will seem harder for someone who is very out of shape,Easy Ways to Lose Weight with the Power of Your Mind Articles and not so hard for someone who is only a little bit out of shape, your ability to "manifest" a thinner body will depend on how much control you have over your thoughts and feelings.

The Law of Attraction works according to your dominant thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Whatever you focus on the most is what will appear in your outer circumstances. So - what have you been thinking about much of the time? Being overweight and feeling unhappy about it? Feeling frustrated because dieting is so hard? Worrying that you won't be able to lose weight in time for summer?

Needless to say, this line of thinking will only continue to create what you DON'T want.

On the other hand, what if you could use this same power of thought to begin creating something better? What if it were possible to find easier ways to lose weight by first transforming yourself on the inside - and seeing the outcome you want on the outside? You can!

Here are 3 good ways to start:

1) Direct Your Dominant Thoughts

As I mentioned, the content of your dominant thoughts (that is, whatever you focus on the MOST) is what you will see reflected back to you in your life circumstances. Seeing your body differently requires a shift in perception to focus on the qualities you like and admire, rather than the ones that displease you. Rather than feeling frustrated because your body isn't the way you want it to be, you need to start appreciating your body in every way possible.

Either focus on the aspects of your body that please you, or find a way to appreciate the aspects that you would like to change eventually. For example, you may not like the current appearance of your body, but can you be grateful that it's in reasonably good health? Can you be happy that your body allows you to move around freely? Find one thing you love about your body and focus on it as much as possible. Before long you will find other things to appreciate and keep the good focus going.

2) Harness the Power of Emotions

How many times have you expressed negative emotion regarding your body? Like when you step on the scale and get angry because the numbers have jumped up slightly - or when you notice that your jeans are getting tighter . . . these bursts of emotion while focusing on something you don't want will only add more power to them.

The good news is that you can also use this same powerful emotion in a GOOD way. You can either try expressing positive emotion (like love, joy, happiness) about your body as it currently is - or even imagine being slender and happy, allowing strong positive emotion to flow in response to those mental images. Every time you do this, you send out a clear signal to the universe that you love and appreciate your body - and the universe begins to reflect that truth back to you.

3) Change Your Perspective

Do you imagine that you can only enjoy your slender, beautiful body after months of hard work and sacrifice? What if having your desired form right now is simply a matter of changing your perspective?

Try this exercise: Set aside some time to be alone and close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your body and notice how it feels. Do your limbs feel heavy? Do you feel uncomfortable, fatigued, or bloated? Begin thinking about what it would feel like to BE slender and fit right now. Imagine that your limbs are slimming down, your tummy is getting flatter, and your body is becoming lean and light. Stay with these feelings for as long as you can, really trying to "FEEL" slender and light.

Doing this exercise on a regular basis alters the "signal" you are sending out to the universe regarding your physical reality. Doing this regularly should inspire different feelings within you, which should also trigger corresponding changes outside of you.

To lose weight easily with the Law of Attraction, you really need to undergo an inner transformation first, which will then begin to seep out to your outer circumstances. In many ways this is much easier than "traditional" weight loss methods because you are not trying to force your body to change, but rather addressing the inner patterns of thought and belief that created the excess weight in the first place.