Eating by blood type by Dr. Peter D'Adamo
Eating by blood type was developed by Dr. D’Adamo. He claimed that at first, there was only one blood group, but with farming, agriculture, social growth, other blood types started to appear.
Let us give a look at the differences in foods,

according to blood types.Diet for blood type ODiet for blood group O consists of meat foods. Earlier, human beings on earth used to feed exclusively on meat, as the main approach of having food was hunting. Individuals with this blood type desiring to lose their weight should eat foods which speed up metabolism like:Red meat and liver;Rye bread;Broccoli, collard and spinach, and any other fruits and vegetables;Seafood and fishDiet for blood group AEat right for your blood type A as the blood type diet for this group differs significantly from previous one, since its base is plants food. Changing the diet from non vegetarian to vegetarian, resulted in origin of this blood type. Vegetarian lifestyle will help individuals only with this blood type lose weight. They should eat:Vegetables (except potatoes and tomatoes);Vegetable oils, Soy products, Lean fish, Pineapples, apples, pears, and many more fruits, except the bananas, papaya, citrus fruits, dairy products, coconuts.To summarize, we note that people with this blood group should follow a vegetarian diet completely. The main menu should contain any kinds of vegetables. You also can drink stewed fruit, green tea, coffee, and red wine. Avoid consuming black tea, meat, juice of the citrus fruits, spicy food, sweetened soft drinks, fruits and berries, salty food(salted herring, etc.), sour vegetables (tomatoes), potatoes, mayonnaise, cabbage (except broccoli).Diet for blood group BEating by blood type for blood group B involves consuming a range of foods: milk, meat and vegetables. It is not difficult to guess why. Every one of us from the past knows that after having mastered agricultural, ancient people began to learn regarding farming. After cattle, which gave milk, they started to discover all kinds of dairy products. In addition, during the development of farming, an active immigration of people was there. That is why the new blood types appeared. Nutritionists recommend balanced diets for this blood group people. It consists of the following items:Green vegetables;Meat; Eggs;Milk and its derivative: cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products.People with blood type B may eat meat, fish and grains, but their main diet should consist of dairy products like ones mentioned above. Milk is extremely rich in proteins, fats, highly digestible minerals, and vitamins A, B, E etc.Diets for blood type ABThis blood type according to Dr. D’Adamo is very uncommon (just 4-7 percent of world’s populace), and no wonder, it is the youngest one. Individuals with this blood type can consume any kind of food. People with blood group AB should also drink green tea, coffee, herbal infusions, wine and beer. Nutritionists suggest mix diets for this blood type. It consists of the following products:Fish, Krill oil;Meat (turkey, veal, lamb);Tofu;Milk products;Fruits and Green vegetables;Cereals (except buckwheat and corn);Nuts , especially walnuts.So, eat right for your blood type, in order to remain fit and healthy.