This article talks about different beneficial tips to stop snoring naturally. It also describes how these tips are effective and easy.
Whenever you snore,
the person who's sharing the bed with you, can have trouble getting to dreamland. Fortunately, for the both of you, many tips to stop snoring naturally and effectively are around. If constantly you're bugging someone else at night as you sleep, read on.
Refrain from sleeping on your back. When in a supine position during sleep, the tongue slides back into the throat, leaving less room for the air to pass through. What you need to do instead is sleep on your side. Now the problem of many is, maintaining that position throughout the night. A solution which you may try is, placing large pillows behind you to keep you from unknowingly shifting on your back.
Stress is a triggering factor. Make sure that at the end of the day you take on some activities, to help you destress, especially if you lead a busy everyday schedule. Things which you may try come aplenty. Read a book, write in your journal, watch a funny TV series, etc. Do anything that's interesting to you and can help you to feel relaxed.
In case you gained some weight and the issue started to surface, then the cause could be those unwanted pounds. If such is the case, it will help if you lose unwanted weight, so you can kiss your nightly problem goodbye. However, this doesn't mean that thin people don't snore at all. Overweight people are simply more prone to it, because there's pressure on the airway, caused by the excess fat located around the neck area.
Smoking is something which can cause the problem or even worsen it. That's because cigarette smoke contains chemicals that irritate the throat, causing it to get inflamed. When such happens, the passage of air is restricted, thereby causing that sound that annoys the one sleeping next to you. Quit smoking to make, the one next to you in bed, happy.
Refrain from drinking alcohol, especially a few hours before you sleep. Alcohol is a sedative that can cause your muscles to relax, including your tongue and your throat. It will help, if you stay hydrated by taking plenty of water a day, about 8 to 12 glasses of it. Doing so helps thin the secretions found in the nasal area. Otherwise, they can get so thick that the passage of air is compromised while you sleep.
Speaking of secretions, having stuffy nose can cause the problem to surface. Before you go to sleep, clear your nose. Taking a warm shower before bedtime can help unclog the nasal passages, thanks to the mist. Using vapor rub that's medicated can also lend a helping hand. This is a small device made out of ceramic, glass or plastic that's used to irrigate the nasal passages with a saline solution.
Throwing out old pillows or mattress is another one of those helpful tips to stop snoring. Over the passing of time, the stuffing inside them breaks down. When inhaled, the individual may suffer from allergy. It will also help if you keep your room as dust-free as possible to keep the problem at bay.