Embarrassing Pregnancy Symptoms

Jan 25


Rinki Rawat

Rinki Rawat

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There can be some embarrassing moments during your pregnancy apart from the usual bulge in the stomach, and throwing up a few times. These symptoms ar...

There can be some embarrassing moments during your pregnancy apart from the usual bulge in the stomach,Embarrassing Pregnancy Symptoms Articles and throwing up a few times. These symptoms are unexpected and unfortunately quite embarrassing to experience. You must not however shy away from public eye, after all you are a proud mommy!

1 - Excess Gas: When you are in the early stages of your pregnancy, with the increase in the levels of progesterone, you can face the problem of excess gas and frequent constipation. This progesterone has the effect of relaxing your muscles, which includes the muscles involved in the digestive process. This relaxed muscle also causes the secretion of gas in excess.

2 - Facial Hair: When a woman is going through the phase of pregnancy her hormones are responsible for the hair growing in unwanted places, which also means that facial hair can be expected. This certainly can be a horrifying experience for a woman.

3 - Odours: There are some women who may develop a very strong sense of smell during their pregnancy. Most women may develop an aversion to strong food odors, such as poultry or seafood, while others may begin to pick up on their own scent, which can be embarrassing. It is also possible that at time a woman can smell herself vaginally, which happens especially toward the end of pregnancy. Visit your doctor who could come up with a viable solution for this.

4 - Cravings: Most women start to crave for things which they had never done before, and this can be attributed to hormonal reasons. It is however important because the body needs to have a reservoir of vitamin C and calcium for the baby’s overall development. Food cravings are most common at this time, and they may want to eat at weird times of the day!

5 - Itchy Nipples: This needs to be blamed on your new cleavage, as your post pregnancy breasts are now bigger preparing to feed the little one. What happens is when your breasts grow, the sensitive skin in this area stretches, and this can trigger a persistent itch.You must see a doctor if in case you develop a rash or notice bloody discharge from one or both nipples.

6 - Sharp Groin Pain: The pain down there tends to start up mid-pregnancy, and this happens when the round ligaments in your pelvis stretch to accommodate your growing baby. This pain can be experienced when you stand up in a sudden motion or they may also be triggered after a long day of being on your feet.
