Along with a natural remedies, you may want to try ice to reduce swelling. A sitz bath is a small basin filled with hot water that you soak the hemorrhoids in. Herbs can be added to the water to aid in healing. Sit on a doughnut shaped cushion... this will keep some of the stress off the affected area, reducing irritation.
When emptying your bowels, don't strain. Breathe out when passing stools. Don't remain sitting on the toilet after you are done, as this can apply strain to the anal region.
Drink a lot of water every day, and eat fruits and vegetables to get enough fiber in your diet. Fiber will move wastes more efficiently through the bowels, reducing the need to strain.
Some people choose to take a warm bath first thing in the morning to sooth the irritation before they start their day. What you must also realize when it comes to treating hemorrhoids is that what you put into your body is what you will get out.
A good diet is essential. You cannot treat your body like a toxic dump. Often when conditions arise with our body it is to inform us that we are not taking care of ourselves. These are natural indicators.
So to kick things off you want to start you day eating fruit, Fruit contains fiber and it natural and quickly runs through your body enabling you to pass waste more easily. This prevents strain and as a result pain.
Eat more greens and whole grains. Have a slice of whole wheat toast in the morning with some honey. Along with improving your diet add some herbal supplements that have ingredients such as vitamin E and horse chestnut.
To effectively tackle hemorrhoids you really need to understand how they occur. Believe it or believe it not a lot of people suffer from hemorrhoids. In actual fact half of the adult population does. So what is a hemorrhoid?
Basically it's a vain that the connective tissue cannot hold. This can also be known as a varicose vein. This comes about due to straining during bowel movement.
Hemorrhoids are actually natural, however where the problem lies is when they become itchy and start to burn. As a consequence they can then become painful, which can be irritating and difficult to deal with. And as mentioned straining yourself on the toilet further irritates the hemorrhoid and for some folks they can start to bleed.
Since the cause of inflamed hemorrhoids occurs during strained bowel movements it is necessary to find out why this is happening. Strained bowel movements can come form constipation, it can also be due to aging, it can also occur during pregnancy and finally it can also be heredity.
Since we now can say that strained bowel movement is the culprit that causes hemorrhoids we need to start the treatment with the intention of easing the bowel movement as a whole. We want to prevent straining during potty time.
So you will need to start addressing your diet. What are you eating? Are you getting enough fiber? Do you eat any fresh foods such as fruit and vegetables and if so how much and when? Are you taking any additional supplements to improve the health of your veins along with a proper diet? Do you exercise?
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