Certain things exist that seem to make humans happy, and these certain things seem to be the same for all people; here's what some of them are and how they help to reduce anxiety.
Human happiness is a subject that is well-researched and that has been commented on by philosophers going back to the days of the Greeks. Much argument exists over what is needed for a person to be happy and live a satisfying life versus what a person would like for a happy life,

and the argument will probably always exist. However, I have arrived at my own conclusions on what these things are and how I believe that they relate to anxiety. My personal belief is the more of these essentials that a person has in his or her life, the less anxiety he or she will experience.
The first, and probably most important thing thing that any human desires, whether he or she is aware of it or not, is connection with fellow human beings. Humans are social creatures by nature, and having less social activity than one desires leads to one feeling unhappy. In the case of the anxious, severe anxiety results, and many socially anxious persons can attest to this fact. My personal belief is that human interaction with other humans over the various forms of media such as the internet or phone is much less satisfying than in-person interactions. However, for many of us, this is the only social stimulation our anxiety can tolerate, and for others, even this is difficult. If a person does not have friends in real life, he or she must challenge him or herself to make some. The vast majority of people on this planet do not even have one real friend. A real friend is someone who can be counted on to be of help in even the worst of situations. Real friends listen to their friend's problems, try to help, and do not stab their friends in the back. If one can make one real friend that meets these criteria in one's lifetime, then that is a real success. Many of those in college all know who the person is who has seemingly several hundred “friends”, but a more accurate way to describe these “friends” is that they are acquaintances. In reality, this social butterfly may not know anything about that person beyond what his or her major is and possibly that person's first name.
The second human essential that is needed is a person to emotionally vent to. For men, this is typically the spouse. For those that are single, this may be a trusted friend whom one has known for years. Many of the socially anxious do not have any friends, let alone one who listens to their problems. Every human needs a release valve, a way of blowing off the steam. Otherwise, those nasty feelings are kept inside and the person ends up taking out the nasty feelings on him or herself or other people. The socially anxious become increasingly anxious, and rather than placing the blame of the problem in an appropriate place, they place the blame on themselves.
The third essential for human happiness is meaningful activity. Everyone needs to have a job that they enjoy and derive satisfaction from. In America, it is said that most people “hate their jobs,” and this is probably true. Having to spend forty hours per week or more doing something that one does not want to do leads to a ton of stress, misery, and anxiety. In sum, it can make one's life a living hell. That is why it is best to do work that is enjoyable for that person, and what is enjoyable can look vary different from person to person.
The fourth human essential that gives people happiness is having an enjoyable or entertaining hobby. Some of us like movies, some like arts and crafts, and others like video games. All these activities are meant to give a person time to enjoy by themselves or with other people. Some meaningless activity that only serves to give one pleasure and entertainment is necessary for one to maintain his or her sanity. When one has to work and do things that he or she does not want to do or has to do them for other people, one becomes stressed, miserable, and anxious. Some relief is needed, and it is up to each one of us to find out what works for us.
The fifth human essential, of which there is a great lack in America, is physical activity. Our bodies need regular maintenance in order to stay in good shape and to be healthy. Besides that, people enjoy psychological benefits such as increased self-esteem, confidence, and general well-being. Anxiety-sufferers in particular experience reduced anxiety as a result of exercise. The benefits of regular, appropriate amounts of exercise goes on and on. The only negative that can result in physical injury from an excessive amount, or any other injury that could result from playing sports.
The sixth human essential that again is abused in America, is eating a healthy diet. If our body lacks a certain vitamin, mineral, or other substance, it lets us know about it! If a person eats too many salty products, his or her body retains water from the additional salt and that person gains weight! Processed foods (anything in restaurants and many home products) are loaded with excessive amounts of fat, grease, and sugar and simultaneously lack many important substances that anxiety-sufferers need such as magnesium, vitamin B-6, and tryptohpan. The better diet a person eats, the more healthy he or
she will feel, and the more his or her anxiety will reduce!
The final human essential is a strong spirituality. This is very helpful when recovering from any condition, including anxiety. I am not going to argue as to which spirituality is more effective or right. What I will say is that knowing that something beyond myself is available to help me, then I feel much better, and I have found such a spirituality. While I have not spent as much time discussing this as other things, this is nonetheless a very important step.
In sum, these are the things that I believe that if anyone implements into their life, that they in turn will experience a corresponding increase in personal happiness and satisfaction! What is the goal of life? This differs for people, but I personally feel that the goal of life is to be happy and satisfied.