Even Insurance Companies Want You To Live A Healthier Life
Health insurance companies care about you, believe it or not. Yes, they have to pay out big premiums when something goes wrong in your life, but they also certainly enjoy having your business for as long as possible, so they want to make sure you are leading a happy and healthy life. It benefits them in the long run. Health insurance companies have come to the reality that having healthy patients makes more for them than treating sick patients.
Health insurance companies care about you,
believe it or not. Yes, they have to pay out big premiums when something goes wrong in your life, but they also certainly enjoy having your business for as long as possible, so they want to make sure you are leading a happy and healthy life. It benefits them in the long run. Health insurance companies have come to the reality that having healthy patients makes more for them than treating sick patients.
The industry is certainly no longer about treating just the sick and aged. It is more about keeping their clients healthy and happy because having a happy and healthy client means more money in the long run. The new medical model offers health care incentives and weight loss programs and they are covered so there is no reason to complain about having to pay for simple health related treatments.
The insurance industry has created a sick care model that helps people get into better shape to avoid illnesses and other things that can cost the health industry a lot more in the long run. The cost of treating a person to simply eat well and stay in shape might cost the insurance firms a few bucks but it saves them in the long run by preventing illnesses before they occur.
Invasive procedures such as surgeries also come with a high price tag when it comes to malpractice insurance as well mostly because medical doctors are not gods and as such are limited to only certain things that they can effectively do. When you are going inside a person's body to repair them needless to say there is a lot more risk involved then in helping they stay healthier. And malpractice insurance is one of the most costly parts of running any medical practice or hospital.
This change from sick care to health care has been a big change in perspective but hopefully it is one that will not only find people living healthier, longer, lives but will also help to reduce the costs throughout the health care industry. The future of health care is now being placed in our hands and the better care we take of ourselves and our family members the better the benefit for society as a whole.