Even Simple Changes Can Have Dramatic Results
Sometimes just taking the initial baby steps rather than big leaps of change is more beneficial to your health than you realize. Most people don't adapt well to major changes or can make them into a lifestyle change. Much like New Year's resolutions, they dissipate after a few weeks. But small steps are easier to do and all positive changes done to improve one's health are going to be beneficial in the long run.
Sometimes just taking the initial baby steps rather than big leaps of change is more beneficial to your health than you realize. Most people don't adapt well to major changes or can make them into a lifestyle change. Much like New Year's resolutions,

they dissipate after a few weeks. But small steps are easier to do and all positive changes done to improve one's health are going to be beneficial in the long run.
For example, you might be faced with the choice of a beverage, likely a daily occasion, and want to pick something that is good for you. There are tons of drinks available and some of them look like OK choices. That is when you want to check the label. Those supposedly healthy tea drinks and the multitude of others quite often have an amazing amount of sugar in them. Choosing a nice sparkling water would be a much healthier choice.
Walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator is such a simple choice. You can walk many places likely without it becoming a burdensome exercise routine, and still reap the benefits. Walking the dog an extra two blocks or taking a nice stroll after dinner just to have time for conversation in the breeze, instead of in front of the TV is a nice way to add a touch of exercise and conversation to life.
There are many small choices that mean a lot when you are making dinner. Reaching for the olive oil instead of the butter when you are sauting vegetables is one. There is also the choice when you are at a fast food restaurant. You want a sandwich, then ordering a chicken would be better than a burger. Going as far as ordering a grilled chicken instead of a fried one is even taking it a step further. Getting a water with that sandwich instead of a soda and a side of fries takes it to a whole new level.
One important factor to our health that most don't consider is to reduce the amount of stress you have on a daily basis. We tend to be a on the go society with our days filled with never ending tasks. Take a break from the rat race and relax. Enjoy the day, be thankful for blessings you have and rest your body. It's the best present you can give yourself. Being healthy encompasses all facets- spirit, body and mind.