In order to treat hair loss successfully, it is necessaryto know about hair. This article discusses general factsabout human hair, hair structure and growth.
The average human adult body has an astounding 5 millionhairs of which 100,000 to 150,000 are on the scalp. Trueblondes have more hair on the scalp - 140,000 hairs thanbrunettes (105,000 hairs) or redheads (90,000 hairs). Hairis made up of a protein called Keratin. Keratin is also aconstituent of our nails.
Hair around the world
Hair color and texture differ around the world. Asians havejet-black hair whereas Scandinavians have varying shades ofbrowns and reds to the pale blonde. There are generallythree racial groups with three types of hair.
1.Oriental - People from Japan and China have straight andblack hair.
2.Caucasoid - This group is varied and a mixture ofseveral racial groups. The hair colors range from black toblonde. The hair can be wavy or straight.
3.African - African people have black hair that is tightlycurled. It is woolly and dry. Heat or chemicals can easilydamage this type of hair.
Hair structure
Some part of hair is hidden under the skin, while the restis seen outside the body. The part of hair hidden under theskin is the hair follicle. There are tiny blood vessels atthe base of the follicle that provides nutrition to thehair.
Sebaceous glands secrete sebum that keeps the hair shinyand waterproof to some extent. At the root of the hairfollicle is the papilla, which is where the hair grows.Hair follicles are formed when the baby is still in thewomb.
After birth, there is no new growth of hair follicles. Thehair strand itself consists of three layers. The outermostlayer called the cuticle is thin. The middle layer calledthe cortex is thick. The cortex provides the hair itsstrength, color and determines whether hair will be wavy orstraight.
Hair Growth
The hair grows at the rate of 12 millimeters every month.Hair grows the best between 10 AM to 11 AM and againbetween 4 PM to 6 PM. It is also generally known that hairgrows faster in summer than winter. Hair grows the bestbetween the ages of 15 to 30 and slows down from the age of40 onwards. Both genders start natural hair loss in 50s.
Hair rejuvenation takes place on a daily basis. Hair growsand sheds. You normally shed 50 to 100 hairs per day. Anyloss above that or visible patches of baldness are a causefor worry and can be classified as hair loss.
Find out what causes hair loss, and discover latesttechniques and ideas for effective hair loss treatment.For lots of valuable information and articles, click
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