Expert information if you have worries regarding the condition of your eyes
Ophthalmology can be difficult to understand which is why the majority of people don't feel 100% confident in identifying a potential problem with their eyes. In most cases, they don't even know when their last check-up was or when their next one should be.
This can be very dangerous especially as time goes on because if you experience sudden lack of vision in some areas of the eye and you don't get your eyes checked over by a trained optometrist you could permanently damage your site. So if you have doubts about the wellbeing of your eyes then take the time to read the article below thanks to the experts at are a variety of surgeries within a number of locations. Most surgeries are based in major cities such as Manchester,

Edinburgh or London. Therefore laser eye surgery in London could be the ideal place to find your nearest surgery. Most surgeries are well-established, which means that they will have long waiting lists. A positive aspect of this is that the treatment clinic staff have a huge amount of experience. In a lot of cases, they may have affiliation with state registered opticians so it may be a good idea to ask your personal optician for their views before looking for an eye surgeon.The technology used by ophthalmologists varies depending upon the eye condition being treated. For invasive cornea surgery a Ziemer LDV Femtosecond precision laser will be used. This particular piece of equipment lets a surgeon operate effectively without the use of a blade. There is also OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomographer), a new form of non-invasive imaging technology, that is being used more and more to map the shape, size and contours of the eye. for those that suffer from more complicated conditions there is Anti-VEGF drugs and Fluorescein angiography treatments. These are simply a few of the procedures and equipment that are currently in use by professional ophthalmologists.Cataracts generally tend to affect the elderly, however it should be remembered that many children also suffer with the condition. Their medical name is congenital cataracts and they develop either shortly before or after birth has taken place. The main feature of the condition includes the clouding of the eye, which can range from milder cases to entire opacity. Other symptoms are near-sightedness or myopia - due to increased lens focus -, difficulty in perceiving the colour blue and a progressive yellowing of the lens. Treatment involves a cataract operation or surgery If treatment is not provided loss of vision and even blindness can result. In older people the lens can shrink and swell.Patients require a cornea transplant or graft when their cornea becomes permanently possibly through disease or external damage. If for instance a person develops Fuchs dystrophy (a degenerative corneal disease which progresses slowly and usually affects both eyes) or Keratoconus (a disorder which changes the shape of the cornea and causes substantial distortion of vision) then a cornea transplant is the final solution. This is where donated corneal tissue is grafted onto a damaged eye to restore the damage caused by the corneal disease, with the graft coming from a deceased donor. Keratoconus surgery or cornea transplants are often the final option for corneal diseases - in the vast majority of cases, the conditions can be easily treated by simply wearing corrective lenses.Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition which results in a loss of vision in the centre of the visual field (macula) due to retina damage. When it develops it can cause impaired visions, specifically when reading or when trying to recognise faces. Macular degeneration can take two forms; dry (nonexudative) or wet (exudative). The former is caused when the cells in the macula degenerate and accumulate behind the retina. Alternatively, wet macular degeneration is classed as the more serious of the two and is caused when blood vessels grow abnormally in the choriocapillaris behind the retina. As the progression of the disease can often be slowed by a range of treatments eye surgery is not necessarily always needed.Now that you've the opportunity to familiarise yourself with some of the points listed above you should have a clearer grasp of the most common eye afflictions. However, if you are in doubt then book a check-up immediately.