Exploring The Main Causes of Urticaria That Have Been Documented In Medical Literature
Urticaria is a relatively common condition, affecting a sizeable percentage of the population. This article explores the major causes of the condition.
Medical literature have quite a number of entries devoted to the study of urticaria and what causes it. We will be exploring them. We will even find ourselves getting more and more into the root of the matter on the causes of urticaria. For those who are not familiar with the term,

urticaria is the condition that we commonly refer to as 'hives'. What you will have is a skin rash that is represented by itchy bumps on the surface of the skin. These bumps are typically raised, relative to the rest of the skin, and they are typically red in color.
If we try to categorize the causes of urticaria, we can easily distinguish them into two major classifications. In the first category, we have those that are essentially allergic reactions. On the other hand, the second group is composed of the non-allergic related causes of urticaria.
For some people, contracting urticaria is as easy as simply being in one place where exposure to certain substances is high. These allergic reactions to their environment is what brings about the urticaria. There are also medications that cause urticaria in the person who takes them. Drug-induced urticaria is not unheard of; in fact, they are quite common. Simple pain relievers and other, more potent, diabetes medications are quite known for actually bringing about urticaria for some patients. In fact, you should probably know that urticaria is a common side effect of the use of some potent medications. But it turns out that these medications are for life-threatening health conditions so they can't be stopped without risking one's health. Thus, it turns out to be better to have the patients deal with the medications' side effects (including the urticaria in question) rather than the riskier medical conditions they manage.
Let us now look into the second classification of urticaria causes. We have already mentioned that not all cases of urticaria arise as a result of people being exposed to allergens. Simple scratching of the skin can lead to some people actually ending up having a case of urticaria. Urticaria can even develop among people who have a high skin sensitivity that just stroking their skin would lead to rashes breaking out. In fact, it is now established that there are certain people who can have urticaria simply from rubbing their skin.
So far we have discussed urticaria that is caused by firm stroking or rough pressure on the skin. Drastic and extreme changes in temperature actually causes urticaria in some people. We can classify them as either cold-induced urticaria and heat-induced urticaria. Even the simple exposure to water can cause many people to break out in hives or have urticaria. You can easily find a lot of skin creams to remedy this problem. On the other extreme, being exposed to the heat of the sun is also one sure way for people to develop urticaria. This is known as solar urticaria.