Eye cream is for all people, not just women. However, it seems logical that men have different needs for their skin than do the women who use these products. This article will take a look at eye cream for men, and will explore if the products need to be different.
Not only are women more concerned about their youthful good looks in this day and age, but also so are men. Surveys recently compiled show that many men are deeply concerned about looking older and that they are trying anything to keep young looking. These issues are coming more to the forefront than ever before, as they are concerned about their careers and keeping their jobs along with continuing to climb the corporate ladder.
They are also seen more and more frequently having surgeries to reduce the effects aging is having on their skin. There are several that have been looking for a more non-invasive way to stay looking young, and they have raided their wives stock of beauty creams.
No longer is this necessary, as eye cream for men is finally being produced and used with dramatic results.
Eye cream for men is considerable different than eye cream for women. By taking a closer look at the reasons behind this, it become blatantly clear why they need to stay a separate item.
The skin around the eyes for both men and women is particularly thin and sensitive. However, men have slightly thicker skin than do women. Eye cream that soaks beautifully into a woman’s skin and nourishes it to keep it supple just isn’t going to be enough for a man’s skin. Therefore, men need to have richer, stronger emollients in their eye cream to see good results.
Women’s’ eye creams are made to combat fine lines and perhaps some puffiness. When men finally decide they need to do something about the signs of aging around their eyes it’s not usually caught as soon as on women. They let it go for a much longer period of time and have more damage. It takes more powerful ingredients at higher concentrations to reverse the signs of aging around a man’s eye. A man’s eye cream is going to have these higher concentrations and be able to work with the slightly thicker skin.
If a woman were to use an eye cream made for men, it might work, but most likely they would have exaggerated the problems or created a lot of irritation around the eye area.
Truthfully, keeping the two eye creams separate is only skin deep, but that is more than deep enough.
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