Eyelid surgery has one of the quickest turn-around times for recovery and getting your life back to normal. You can kick-start your recovery by addressing the immediate swelling following the procedure.
When you undergo eyelid surgery or any cosmetic procedure for that matter,

you will notice significant swelling immediately following the surgical treatment. This is completely normal. Most surgeries cause swelling. It is your body’s way of dealing with the trauma of the event. Whether it is non-invasive, traditional or a laser procedure, our bodies produce swelling.
When we swell around the area that was worked on, our bodies are battling it out with the foreign tissues. Our cells are making sure that there are no bad things floating around in the area- sort of a search and destroy mission. We also send extra blood and fluid to the area so there is more nutrients available for healing.
So many good things happen with swelling that we should see it as a necessary side effect. However, that certainly does not mean that we need to lay back and relax as our face balloons like a watermelon. Some swelling is good. Too much swelling, like too much chocolate cake, can be a less than positive scenario.
Too much swelling can mean a lot of pressure on the healing area. In the case of eyelids the swelling will be around the upper and lower tissue surrounding the eye. Occasionally, this pressure can cause burst blood vessels, infection or other harmful scenarios. If you are concerned that you may be swelling too much, seek medical attention immediately.
Swelling can also result in bruising. So, for those of us that need to get things back to normal fairly quickly, then nip the swelling in the bud. You can do this by applying warm or cold compresses. Talk to your doctor to see what is right for you, but you can use anything from warm washcloths to bags of frozen peas. Just make sure that you are using the right temperature at the right time.
You can’t go into work in two days looking bruised and puffy. So, the best thing to do is to schedule your eyelid surgery appointment for a Wednesday and take the remainder of the week off from work. Five days of rest, attention to the swelling and even more rest should get you faster recovery results. Again, talk with your surgeon to find out specifics of your appointment scheduling and resting. Everyone reacts differently to surgeries.
You can also address swelling through your diet leading up to the eyelid surgery. Some research suggests that eating a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables can speed recovery processes. The amount of vitamins in our blood leading up to the procedure has healing qualities. Also, drink lots and lots of water in the weeks, days and hours before and after the cosmetic treatment.
There is no specific sure for swelling following eyelid surgery. If you are smart, follow the instructions of your physician or surgeon and address swelling through compresses, rest and diet, then you should have optimal results. Less swelling can mean getting your life and busy work schedule back to normal.