Face Lift - Not Just for Women Any Longer
More men than ever are choosing to undergo cosmetic procedures, including a face lift, in order to look younger. Read about what this surgical option can do for you.
Over one million men have had cosmetic procedures performed in the last year,

with a good portion of patients being baby boomers. The most popular procedures being done include ear-pinning surgery, the use of Botox and fillers, liposuction, and breast reduction, but a face lift tends to be at the top of the list. Consider what you need to know about this surgery.
If you chose to undergo a face lift, it would involve the same process as for a woman, although the surgical approach would be somewhat different. For instance, the procedure for a man is geared toward sharpening the angles of your jaw, chin, and neck, so less attention would be paid to the wrinkles around your eyes, cheeks, and nose. The basic premise for this is the fact that sharply defined contours can make a man appear to look rested and more youthful. The fine wrinkles of your skin would remain, but with the use of a laser, they would be less noticeable. The amount of improvement you should expect to see following your surgery would ultimately depend on how much wrinkling and sagging you had to begin with.
Other differences that your surgeon should take into account include the fact that a man's skin is thicker and has a richer blood supply than a woman's skin, so you would have an increased risk of bleeding or development of a hematoma. Since men in general do not use makeup or wear their hair long, the closure of your incisions would have to be done as meticulously as possible as they would be more difficult to conceal. Using certain techniques to maximize your aesthetic outcome, suture placement would likely involve the ear crease, the area around your earlobe, and your lower scalp. Since your skin may also have sustained excessive sun damage due to increased sun exposure, either from your occupation or from participation in recreational activities, you would probably benefit from other procedures such as laser resurfacing.
If you are in good physical health, you will most likely be an excellent surgical candidate. However, you will also need to be evaluated to ensure that you have reasonable expectations of your surgical results, which is essentially to have a younger appearance. The procedure involves removing excess facial fat and skin, which is followed by careful remodeling of the facial muscles and tissue below the surface. Your surgeon will advise you of the risks involved with surgery. Although they are rare, they include scarring, damage to the surrounding nerves, and limited facial paralysis. You may also have an increased chance of forming a blood clot following surgery, as men in general have more blood cells in their face than women.
You should expect to look younger and more attractive following your face lift, which should increase your confidence level in your personal life as well as professionally. Call to schedule a consultation with a board-certified surgeon in your area to see how this procedure could take years off your life.