Face Lift Problems that Can Delay Recovery
This article talks about the few face lift risks and problems that may come after the procedure. It also explains the underlying physiological causes of these problems.
A face lift is a surgical procedure that focuses on improving or correcting the appearance of a person’s facial features. There are two major types of this procedure and each focuses on specific regions of the head,

specifically the front part. One operation is aimed at the upper region and it includes the brows, the nose bridge and the eyes. The other one is focused on the lower area, including the better part of the nose, the cheekbones and the jaws. The jowls can also be included in this operation, depending on the suitability of the patient and the doctor.
Risks and Complications
As with any other major surgery, a face lift can become risky or complicated. It is this that surgeons would like to prevent or avoid when they request the patient to undergo screening or testing a few weeks or days before any surgery is scheduled. Some of the tests are basic and will produce results showing the levels of a patient’s health. Among the more important one’s are the state of the person’s circulatory system and the presence of any underlying diseases like diabetes propensity to high blood pressure and others. The speedy or slow recovery of the patient might also be predicted based on the state of a patient’s current health.
Allergy testing is also another important aspect to a face lift procedure. The patient may have an allergic reaction to some of the drugs and pain relievers that will be used during the operation as well as during the recovery period. The possibility of having allergic reactions should be found out long before the procedure is to be launched in order to change some of the drugs or medicines that can cause adverse reactions. Antibiotics are among the more common medicines or drugs that can produce adverse reactions. Patients may also have an inkling about which medicines they may not be complacent with and should warn the surgeon about any history on their part.
A heavy smoker and heavy alcohol drinker can also have some complications during the operation as well as during the tie of recovery. Smoking should be stopped permanently or temporarily (depending on the preferences of the patient) a few weeks before any scheduled operation. Alcohol intake should also be stopped for the time being depending on the extent of the face lift. The plastic surgeon will likely recommend a span of time that the smoking and alcohol intake is to be stopped in order to have a successful surgery. Complications during surgery can also extend recovery time for many patients.
Bleeding can be a complication that can require the cessation of the operation or doing emergency measures to save the patient. Elevated heart rate can also be a cause for concern and the surgeon may stop the operation. Scarring can extend recovery because many patients do not like to have visible scars, especially in the face. Another operation may be necessary to remove the scars, if these are raised and unsightly. The plastic surgeon can recommend ointments to lighten the scars, if these are not bumpy and the issue is just discoloration.