Face Lift Recovery Facts
Face lift surgery has become a very popular, and semi-permanent alternative to face creams and treatments in order to achieve a youthful and wrinkle-free face. However, there are a lot of people who make plans to get a face lift, yet they do not have a lot of information about the procedure and how it achieves the desired look. Read on to learn more.
Face lift surgery has become a very popular,
and semi-permanent alternative to face creams and treatments in order to achieve a youthful and wrinkle-free face. However, there are a lot of people who make plans to get a face lift, yet they do not have a lot of information about the procedure and how it achieves the desired look. Many patients do not realize that when it comes to this type of surgery, there is a recovery period that can be painful and uncomfortable for at least the first two weeks following the procedure.
Most reliable and qualified plastic surgeons will recommend bed rest for at least the first week after the procedure. In fact, patients of a major face lift will have to spend their first day of recovery in a hospital for close monitoring. During the hospital stay, the face will have heavy, turban-like bandaging, but this will be removed and replaced with lighter bandaging before leaving the hospital.
There are many complications that can occur immediately after, when the risk of infection and complications from the anesthesia is at their highest. During this initial period of recovery, the face will be heavily bandaged, and in some cases, the surgeon will insert drainage tubes to prevent excessive bleeding or infection. Depending on the method, the plastic surgeon will make sutures along the hairline to perform the face lift surgery. These sutures along the hairline can be very uncomfortable for the patient immediately after surgery because even the slightest head movement can disturb the sutures, and patients must refrain from grooming their hair until the doctor gives them approval.
The surgeon will provide a list of instructions that the patient must understand before they are allowed to leave the hospital. This will include instructions on cleaning the wounds and changing the bandaging at least once a day; this keeps the wounds clean and prevents infection. The patient will have a follow-up visit about a week after surgery in which the doctor will remove the drainage tubes and check the patient’s overall physical condition.
Most patients will have trouble with eating regular foods after the procedure. This is because the face will be very painful while it is still healing. To alleviate some of the pain, the doctor will prescribe different pain medications. The doctor may prescribe other medications to help with some of the swelling. However, keeping the face elevated during the recovery period can help alleviate some of the swelling. There will be numbness in certain areas of the face, but this will also subside as recovery moves along.
Throughout the entire recovery process, there will be several follow-up visits with the doctor. This will help in the recovery process because the doctor can make recommendations and prescribe certain medications based on how each individual patient feels in the weeks after the face lift.
Although recovery from the surgery can be painful, the results can be just as dramatic. It is important to know about the recovery process so that you know what to expect.