Facelift - What to Expect From the Procedure
A facelift is a plastic surgery procedure that removes wrinkles and additional signs of aging from the face. This surgical procedure is also known as rhytidectomy and is used for reversing the visible signs of aging.
As we age,
the skin tends to lose some of its elasticity and muscles slacken, which can result in the formation of jowls and wrinkles. The facial area usually shows the visible signs of aging because diminished volume and gravity cause many areas of the face to sag. Many people have opted for facelift surgery to treat these problems, as it can leave your facial features and skin smooth, rejuvenated, and refreshed. Many patients who want this procedure often feel that their facial features do not match up with their energy level and youthful spirit. When this procedure is performed, a qualified surgeon may combine surgical precision and skill with artistry to create the look you desire. This procedure can help you turn back the hands of time to give you a chance to allow your true self to shine through. During your consultation prior to your facelift surgery, a surgeon will conduct a physical examination and a medical history assessment on you. During the physical, your skin thickness, underlying skin structure, elasticity, texture, and bone structure, as well as the amount of folds and facial wrinkles, will be assessed. Your surgeon will take this information and create a surgical plan in order to match what can be realistically done to what your expectations of the surgery are. Your surgeon may explain the methods they will use during the procedure that they feel will help you achieve your desired goals and the ones that will offer you a lower risk of complications. During your facelift procedure, excessive fat, tissue, and skin will be removed from you face. Your cheeks and eyebrows will be repositioned to create a natural look so that you can achieve a more youthful appearance. You will also notice a reduction in the amount of wrinkles you have and additional signs of aging. The last part of your procedure will include your skin being tightened around your newly contoured facial area. This procedure usually lasts around 2 to 3 hours, depending on what actually needs to be done. A few days following your procedure, when you are healing, the sutures and dressings will be removed. It is normal for you to experience some degree of swelling and bruising following your facelift surgery; however, how much will depend on the extent of your procedure. You will most likely notice your side effects diminishing within one to two weeks, and you may be able to resume your normal activities then. You can call and schedule a consultation to learn more of a facelift procedure so that you can decide if it is right for you.