Facts On Fraxel Treatment

May 19


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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This article highlights facts on fraxel treatment and what to expect if you have it done.

Your skin is one of the first things that will show the subtle signs of aging and even if you take proper preventive measures there are some environmental stressor that you can’t control such as exposure to pollution that can make you look older than your chronological years. Other lifestyle factors that you can control such as smoking and sun exposure can also work to create fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth that may not show up for years after the activity. Sunbathing is another activity that can lead to an increased risk of sunspots that can work to make your skin appear blemished and unattractive later in life. Make up and concealer can only go so far to help hide problem skin before you need to consider a more permanent and successful solution such as fraxel treatment. Fraxel treatment is a cosmetic resurfacing of the skin that is FDA approved to help eradicate the signs of aging and blemished skin by working to remove fine wrinkles and lines,Facts On Fraxel Treatment Articles age and sun spots, acne scars and melasma. Fraxel treatment is a chemical peel that works by removing the damaged outer layers of skin and consequently improves the texture of the skin underneath. If you are considering fraxel treatments here what you need to know. First you will only have small areas done at a time so your skin can heal faster. It is not recommended that you attempt to have your whole face done at once since it will increase your time to heal. The process is done with the help of a topical anesthesia which is applied to the treatment area about an hour before your procedure. The treatment itself takes about half an hour to do. Before your treatment day you may need to censor the medications you are taking. During your initial consultation you should bring a list of all the medications you are taking so your physicians can make sure your medications won’t have a reaction with the chemical peel. You may need to stop taking some medications before your treatment but don’t do this without your doctors knowledge. Most patients describe the fraxel treatment itself as feeling like a snap against their skin with each laser pulse. During the treatment your skin will probably feel hot or flushed and that is normal and should be expected. After your treatment your skin will likely feel like you have slight sunburn. You can easily treat the discomfort with cold compresses and it is not usually anything that requires any down time. Most patients are able to go right back into normal activities including work immediately after their chemical peel treatment. Your skin will be more sensitive as it heals from the fraxel treatment so you will need to avoid the sun as much as possible while you heal and use sun block religiously as you recover. Once you complete your fraxel treatment regime you should see a marked difference in the appearance of your skin and your new skin should look younger and unblemished if everything is successful.
