Fast Anxiety Cure
There are many natural alternative anxiety cures but this one has proven to be the fastest for me and my clients.
As a researcher and energy healing practitioner I am always on the lookout for anything that will speed up the healing process. I suffered with paralyzing anxiety myself for several months. I had all the classic symptoms,

cold sweats, shortness of breath, electric tingle feelings in my neck, chest, arms and generally feeling just horrible. Went the emergency room to get checked out just in case. They said I checked out fine, no heart issues. So I was sent home with this terrible feeling in my body wondering if I was going to be feeling like this the rest of my life.
One day I had the inkling to check out a natural health forum and a few people mentioned that Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT had helped them resolve anxiety issues. This technique involves tapping on certain points on the body called meridians as you focus on the feelings in your body whether emotional or physical. I figured I had nothing to lose and downloaded the tutorial. I did my first EFT session and 10min later I felt about 80% better. Shortness of breath? Gone! Tingling sensations? Gone. Anxiety about my future? About a two out of ten. I was astounded. How could it be that something as easy as this had escaped modern medicine? Go figure.
I purposed in my heart that I would learn this technique and get whatever certification it took to be able to train others to help themselves. So that is what I did and have been helping people all over the planet ever since. I have to tell you there is no greater high than being able to pull someone out of the prison, the dungeon, the hell, that is all too real for people that suffer with panic/anxiety attacks.
I have been helping people with anxiety for the past ten years and have gotten even faster at relieving anxiety using a new modality called Quantum Entrainment. This technique works faster than EFT and is like a reboot for the nervous system.
I had a phone healing session a few days ago with a client suffering with anxiety. She was complaining of some pain and strange sensations in her body. She said her anxiety level was about a nine out of ten. So I told her to simply focus on the feelings in her body and I sent her some Quantum Entrainment energy right over the phone. After about 10min we checked her anxiety level again and it had gone down to a five. I asked her to focus again on the feelings in her body and sent her some QE energy and the anxiety level and pain went to zero. She was very pleased and so was I. This is how most of my sessions work.
I have found that healing by phone is easier and just as effective as hands on energy healing. My clients seem to like the idea of relief being only a phone call away. It makes life a lot simpler. Who likes having to take the time to drive to an office and then sit their and wait? Time is a precious commodity and this saves everyone time and money!