Will fasting for weight loss work? The answer is absolutely yes. But there is one thing you must consider if you're thinking of fasting for weight loss.
Will fasting for weight loss work?
The answer is absolutely yes.
But there is one thing you must consider if you're thinking of fasting for weight loss...
It's the fact that the number one problem with the approach of severe calorie restriction (starving yourself) is that you cannot do it forever.
Granted, you most likely will lose weight by fasting, but when the fast is completed and the weight is lost you have built absolutely no consistency into the way that you eat.
As a result, most will return to their former eating patterns. The very patterns that created the flabby state that they are currently experiencing!
A far better solution than fasting for weight loss is to form a habitual pattern of making smart food choices.
Now I realize that this sounds boring to most of us.
I mean, who wants to take the time to form new patterns?
We want fast weight loss right now!
But here's the shocker, the results will come just as quick, quicker in most cases, by disciplining yourself to make consistently wise food choices.
This is because weight loss is not simply a matter of calories in vs. calories out. It's a matter of consuming the optimal calories in order to give your body exactly what it needs to lose weight.
Now obviously, fasting does not add nutrients to the body and can't provide your body with the nutrition it needs. This is the reason that fasting is much better suited for waste elimination than for weight loss.
So where do you go from here?
If you are willing to add a little discipline to your eating I recommend that you start with the following...
Split your day into six small meals. During the first three meals of the day you may consume most anything that you want, provided that it doesn't fall into the junk-food category.
This means no...
-Soda (diet and regular)
-Fast food
...or any similar foods.
During the last three meals of the day, once again, nothing that falls into the junk food category. And during these final three meals you must also eliminate the vast majority of your carbohydrate intake.
This means no...
...or any other similar foods.
Now please don't misunderstand this, your body needs carbs to lose weight. I am in no way an advocate for the Atkins or any other similar crash diets. The key to losing weight is not carb restriction, it's consuming carbs at the correct times.
So just to wrap it up, fasting certainly has health benefits and I encourage you to learn more about it. However, building a set of solid eating habits into you day will produce far better results for you than fasting for weight loss ever will.
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