Acid Reflux or acidity is the backward flow of the stomach contents into the esophagus (muscular tube through which ingested food passes from the mouth area to the stomach).
It is due to improper functioning of a sphincter, a circular muscle which normally maintains constriction at the lower end of the esophagus. This backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus is called acidity. Acid reflux generally occurs because the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes and allows harsh stomach juices flow into the esophagus. It is also known as gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn. Acid reflux is a muscular weakness disease, not an acid problem. However, since there are no standard treatments to address the problem directly, acid blocking medications are commonly used to treat the problem.
Antacids neutralize digestive acids and are the primary drugs for mild symptoms. They are best used alone for relief of occasional and unpredictable episodes of heartburn. They all work by neutralizing the acid in the stomach. They may also stimulate the defensive systems in the stomach by increasing bicarbonate and mucous secretion.
Calcium. Calcium carbonate (Tums, Titralac, and Alka-2) is a potent and rapid acting antacid that can cause constipation. These antacids are actually sources of calcium.
Aluminum. Aluminum salts (Amphogel, Alternagel) are also available. The most common side effect of antacids containing aluminum salts is constipation.
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