Finding the Right Feng Shui Consultant for You
Advice and tips on finding the Right Feng Shui Consultant for you.
It may be something you’ve been thinking of on and off for a long time. To go ahead and actually get a Feng Shui Consultation. With all the hype around for the last few years and now famous personalities as well as Mayor Bloomberg and Donald Trump touting it’s virtues you’ve finally made the decision to go ahead and go for it.
Many people read books first to see if they can do it on their own. The problem with reading different books is that they are contradictory and sometimes confusing. That is because all Feng Shui Practitioners have their own way of practicing and use different methods to achieve the same goals; good health,
prosperity, wonderful relationships, a successful career and peace and serenity for your home or work environment are what we are all seeking to achieve.
Below are some hints and tips to finding a Consultant that will work well with YOU.
- While some websites can seem to draw you in, do check to see what method or methods a consultant applies during a consultation and if you are in tune with them. Some consultants use primarily a Black Sect Method to make transformations; others use mostly Western methods while still others may use a combination of both. You might like to ask them why they practice those methods and see if they are what you are in sync with.
- Find out exactly what a consultation consists of. Will you come out with a good understanding of Feng Shui including the Bagua and how to use it? Will you cover different topics that are very important so you can later look at things through “Feng Shui Eyes”? Some of the topics that are likely to be covered include furniture placement, colors, mirrors and the intentions of using them, what clutter really is and tips for organizing, Transcendental Methods and basic Feng Shui Principles. Hopefully their objective will be that you can then take these newly learned applications to another space, perhaps your office and be able to apply the principles of Feng Shui there as well.
- Ask if they provide Space Clearings and Home or Business Blessings. Are you in tune with Space Clearings and Blessings that have been passed down for thousands of years and if you are, are they performed and is there an extra fee? If you’re not sure exactly what these are or what they are used for, ask! Most consultants find this is an integral part of the process of Feng Shui to thoroughly rid the home from “predecessor” energy and to bless the home (or business) as a way to give it a New Beginning, cleared of all negativity.
- Will there be an examination of not only the exterior of your home or business including landscaping and using the Five Elements but also a complete “walk through” of each room in your home as well? There should be suggestions for each of the rooms in your home, some very specific to Feng Shui including special tips and ideas for bedrooms (to rest and restore), the Health area of your home, careers and ideas to implement in those spaces, and suggestions for every other area of the bagua including your Wealth Areas, Career, Helpful People, your Children (Future) area, Relationships, your Fame area and what it means, Family and Knowledge.
- Check prices. Feng Shui consultations vary greatly from practitioner to practitioner and their prices may or may not be suitable for your budget. It is always wise with anyone you are planning to hire to see if they are Certified (which means they have achieved a certain level of expertise in order to graduate) and how long they have been in business. Feng Shui is a life long process of learning; Consultants that have practiced for many years have seen what the most effective methods are and what applications work the best.
- Ask them if they will follow up with you should a question or problem arise. Some have limitations of time while others will be happy to hear of your progress and will be there for you long after your consultation has ended. Check references!
- Most importantly, I believe, is finding someone you are comfortable with. Most of us do an interview with our clients prior to the consultations to see what specific areas they want to address or may be having difficulties in. Finding someone you are comfortable with discussing such important issues such as health conditions, financial issues and partnership or love concerns are essential for us to know what best may help your specific concerns.