Five Ways In Which You Can Eliminate Tiredness and Boost Your Energy Level
Learn to deal with tiredness and get more energy!
Chronic fatigue syndrome,

otherwise known as just feeling really freaking tired all the time, is the “silent epidemic” of today. In my opinion, its overcome a lot of the more “serious” conditions we are faced with for two reasons:1) Because (as far as we know) we’ve only got one life to work with. Nobody wants to spend their days dragging around their body and feeling like they don’t have enough energy to do everything they want.2) Because it’s curable! This is what really gets to me. So many of us needlessly suffer from feeling tired day after day but in all honesty, we could all have this whole issue beat if we had the right tools. Today, I’m going to go through 5 easy little things you can do to boost that energy level of yours, and even point you towards some more advanced resources for abolishing tiredness altogether.Step 1) Drink up! Well, water, that is. Hydration is key in tiredness and energy level because our blood is made up of primarily water. If our water levels drop, the blood thickens and we place more stress on the heart because its harder to pump thick blood. In turn, our body begins to wear down from the extra work and we feel tired.Step 2) Sleep smart. Unfortunately, some silly people decided to spread the word that just getting more sleep will solve our tiredness problems. Actually, their logic does make sense, but health researchers have known for decades now that this logic is flawed… it’s just hard to convince people they’re wrong when something makes so much intuitive sense. What it comes down to is sleep cycles; a 5 stage process that our body completes once every 90 minutes. The key to feeling rested is hitting numbers divisible by 1.5 hours, giving you COMPLETE sleep cycles (6 hours. 7.5 hours, and 9 hours are ideal). If you sleep 8 or ten hours, you are waking the body up in the middle of a sleep cycle, and will carry that drowsiness around with you all day.Step 3) Let it go, just let it go. Stress is a huge factor in tiredness. Most people overlook it, but if you truly want to formulate a way to get more energy and get to the bottom of your tiredness, be warned that this factor is very important. Just like dehydration, excessive stress wears your body down. In this case, your heart-rate and blood pressure rise, leading to eventual exhaustion.Step 4) Do some good! Here’s another little known mental factor of tiredness you might not know about: You know that good feeling you get when you genuinely help someone else? It’s a very real, psycho-physical response. Factors often enhanced by those who regularly do charity work include happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over their life, physical health, and mood.Step 5) Tune out! Personally, I like electronics. I listen to my son’s ipod and watch ‘24’ with the family each week. However, the bright screens of TV’s and computers can throw you out of kilter! Because the screen is bright, it can suppress the release of melatonin (a chemical in the brain that tells you its time to sleep when it gets dark). You can left with a brain that is overly active and alert when you want to fall asleep, meaning it takes you longer to fall asleep and don’t get as good of a rest for the next day.Most people never realize how much tiredness was affecting their lives until they experience life without it. In order to help you eliminate feelings of tiredness and get more energy I’ve created 2 easy steps you can follow at Why Am I Always Tired?. More info on tiredness at How To Get Have Energy.