Foods That May Help Prevent Hemorrhoids

Aug 20


Jeff Donaven

Jeff Donaven

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Many people who suffer from hemorrhoids do so in silence. They can be painful and irritating. These protruding bumps can bleed during bowel movement. The first course of action is to soothe the pain. You can do this by preparing a warm bath. Fill the bath up to around eight to ten inches. Then sit your little behind in there for about fifteen minutes. This will help to start soothing the pain.


If you do not have a bath you can also fill a basin of some sorts. If you have a shower with a detachable head you can direct the warm water to that area to get some soothing relief.

When you are done wipe that area down using wipes that have been dipped in witch hazel. This once again will provide soothing relief. You can also punch a little hole in a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents on your hemorrhoid and gently massage it.

Another effective technique to sooth the pain is to mix sulfur with Vaseline and once again massage it into that area. The next step is to drink lots of water. Water will not only help soften your stools but it will also help flush you out.

In the event you are constipated you can use a laxative just make certain that they are bulk forming laxatives. If you feel you need to go potty make sure and do so - do not wait around.

The natural treatment of hemorrhoids is the most effective. You need to understand what is causing the problem. You need to deal with the problem internally also. Eat more fresh food and fiber.

Take natural herbal supplements which will deal with issues such as inflammation and improve blood circulation. To learn more select any of the links provided.

Hemorrhoids can be a disaster. They can bleed and be painful. These irritating protruding bumps can make life miserable. However this problem may be a wake up call. It may be time to re-visit your lifestyle.

While health and convenience don't necessarily go hand in hand if you fail to take care of your heath your day to day life will be effected which will be far more inconvenient in the long run.

Hemorrhoids are basically veins which are having difficulty being held by the connective tissue. There are multiple contributing factors. The health of your veins is definitely in question plus a poor diet will result in you having difficulty passing stools.

This makes you strain while going potty and this further exasperates the problem.

When hemorrhoids occur you want to avoid lifting heavy items as this will cause general strain. If you are constipated you may want to use laxatives to get things flowing again. While there are many quick fixes you also need to address this issue so that you can prevent it re-occurring in the future.

To do so you will need to possibly change your diet. Good food equals good health. Good health results in a body that can function properly. A properly functioning body will result in less painful conditions.

While this is all common sense it is important to understand it. Drink more water - eat fruits in the morning. Have veggies with dinner. With this add herbal supplements that will improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

Use wipes to clean the area that is affected. Wipes preferable that have been dipped in witch hazel. Avoid sugary sodas and take a warm bath for soothing relief.