Foot Corns and The Consequence
Pressure on the feet can cause all sorts of problems. One common irritation that develops on feet are calluses and corns. Learn what you need to, to protect yourself and prevent corns.
One of the leading causes of foot problem is excessive pressure on feet. Foot corns are small mounted areas of multi-layer skin found beneath or between the toes. These painful corns are the effect of pressure applied by tight fitting footwear. Basically,

it is our bodies’ own way to defend against excessive force. So where there is excessive pressure on the feet our body provides resistance by thickening the skin at the point of extreme pressure. This thickening of skin is known as foot corns and the consequence of these corns are pain.However, we know that the foot corns are caused mainly by ill fitting footwear. Let me tell you that there are other causes too which lead to painful corns. Improper walking style, hammer toe or other bony prominences are also the causes of these painful corns. The best option for treatment of corns is podiatrist and it is advised that the treatment should begin as early as possible. As if not treated at early stage, non-dangerous corns may lead to severe infection or swelling.Self treatment is the first priority of many people affected by painful corns. Mostly the self treatment includes corn plasters, applying ointments or cutting the foot corns. The consequences of cutting these corns may lead to accidental wounds. This is dangerous and opens the door for infections, which is even more successful within the hot humid environment of the shoes. In case of proper cutting of corns ointments are safe and one must read the instructions on the label before applying these ointments. If you lack confidence in your abilities then self treatment is not a good option for you. Therefore, it is better to follow the advice of specialized podiatrist.A podiatrist finds the root cause of these corns and then follows the right treatment method. The correct fitting of shoes and padding of foot to avoid pressure under feet are among the top advices of a podiatrist to his patient. He may also advice to his patients whether surgery is required, especially in cases of bony prominence.