Foreigners Shopping
Chinese love to buy luxury goods from abroad. What foreigners love to buy from China.
Chinese love to buy luxury goods from abroad. What foreigners love to buy from China? AliExpress data show that the platform front row of cross-border sales of the top three are: clothing,

cell phones, Wigs and Hair Extensionss and Hair Extensionss and Hair Extensions.It is reported that, as a global processing and manufacturing base, China Wigs and human hair weaves exports accounted for more than 70% of global supply. United States As the largest country imports Wigs and Hair Extensionss , which digest more than 60%.As we all know, different from other races, black hair is not easy to take care of nature, few black friends can really have a flowing hair. The beauty of it is human nature, black women is certainly no exception. In order to change the hair to bring trouble, they often choose to wear a Wigs and Hair Extensions, Wigs and Hair Extensions instead of hair, this looks more beautiful."In some African countries with better economic conditions, a woman willing to take 1/3 of income, or even half of the money to take care of the Wigs and Hair Extensions. Wigs and
Hair Extensions for black women, we can say is both a necessity, but also a luxury. Life slightly better quality of African American women, on average 6-7 sets Wigs and Hair Extensionss and Hair Extensions.Even the United States the world's most powerful country, to have so many Wigs and Hair Extensions for women in general is not a small financial burden. It is reported that the average American needs to do a Wigs and Hair Extensions cost of $ 500-600, and by AliExpress, Americans can be purchased directly from the hands of origin of raw materials China business, only about $ 100 a unit. Buy and then find a local salon care, need only a total of $ 300, can save half the money.Shopping global demand for Chinese products is very strong, a daily average of more than 160 countries, users pay on AliExpress success. There is not a lot of emphasis on mass market products, such as Wigs and Hair Extensionss and Hair Extensionss and Hair Extensions, only the strong market demand for the U.S., UK, EU, African markets are gradually developing.The United States is the largest country needs China's foreign trade Wigs and Hair Extensions ,Wigs and human hair weaves and Hair Extensionss and Hair Extensions probably trade a year more than a billion dollars in 2014, Wigs and Hair Extensions in AliExpress directly on cross-border shopping, the amount will exceed the industry trade from China to the United States 15 %.