Now that's a catchy headline, right? But it's probably not what you're thinking fortunately. We use our bedrooms for a ton of reasons - with sleeping representing the majority of our time. But in between sleeps, we use our bedrooms for many, many other things. And believe it or not, those activities could be hurting ourselves and our families. Check out these five popular bedroom activities & how they could affect our overall health & well-being.
Now that's a catchy headline, right? But it's probably not what you're thinking fortunately. We use our bedrooms for a ton of reasons - with sleeping representing the majority of our time. But in between sleeps, we use our bedrooms for many, many other things. And believe it or not, those activities could be hurting ourselves and our families. Check out these five popular bedroom activities & how they could affect our overall health & well-being.
1. The Midnight Snack. You know you're guilty! Just about everyone sneaks a late night snack or early morning breakfast into their bed every now and then. But did you know that those tiny, little crumbs may actually turn into bugs? Dust mites love your tiny, little leftovers and you can bet they'll feed off of them. Dust mites causes all sorts of health problems, including allergies and colds. So the best medicine is to just eat your food at a table. But if you must, make sure you wash your bedding and mattress at least once every two weeks.
2. Bedtime Work. Many people can't live without their laptops nowadays. It probably seems harmless and it usually is - but using your laptop in bed could cause some serious problems. For one, it's a tremendous fire hazard. There have reports of homes being completely destroyed due to a running laptop. In some cases, the laptops were left on in the bed because someone fell asleep. I know it seems impossible but it has happened before. Plus, laptops in bed are a strangle hazard for small children. So if your kids sleep with you - do not use your laptop in bed.
3. The Unwashed Bed. I mentioned it earlier in tip#1. But it's so important that it requires its own listing. Did you know that average person only washes their bedding six times per year? That's roughly once every two months. Our skin (both human and pet) tends to fall off when we're sleeping. Those little skin cells may be invisible to us but they are the origins for many types of nasty organisms. And yes, you can't see the nasty organisms either. But your nose, ears and throat can feel them and that's how many allergies are borne. So heed this warning - wash your bedding at least every two weeks. It's vital for your family's health!
4. Dirty Laundry Pile. Many people have a hamper inside their bedrooms. Many teenagers forego the hamper and simply use their bed or floor as a storage facility for dirty laundry. But did you know that dirty laundry actually contains live bugs? Those bugs grow very fast when combined with a dark environment. Ever heard of E. Coli or Staph? Those are the two most common bacteria found inside dirty laundry hampers. And for those of you that don't know that about E. Coli or Staph - just trust me when I tell you that they can cause some serious viruses and diseases. What should you do? For one, work hard to get your kids to wash their clothes on a regular basis. Studies have shown that teenagers simply neglect laundry duties. Also, get the hamper outside of your bedroom and inside your laundry room. This will contain everything to just one room. Then, you can solidify your laundry room by keeping the air and environment clean using antibacterial sprays and wipes.