Not all painful male organ conditions can be treated with at-home care. These are just four examples of male organ pain that are best handled with a trip to the emergency room.
When pain strikes below the belt, panic seems like an appropriate response. It's a sensitive area that can bring a guy a significant amount of pleasure, so it makes sense to treat it tenderly and keep it healthy with proper male organ care. Some male organ pain conditions need more than a little TLC, however, meaning that some situations are best handled with the help of the emergency room. These are just four conditions that might fall into the category of a medical emergency.
Blunt Force Trauma
The male organ can get struck by sports equipment, inattentive children or even gardening implements, and blows that do more than just graze the area can cause significant and long-lasting problems. Much of that risk has to do with male organ anatomy.
The cells that line the male organ are designed to fill up with blood in response to a tantalizing suggestion. When a blow hits that area, the empty space could be filled to the brim with blood and the swelling can be intense, and intensely painful. It also might not go away without the help of an expert. If a blow to the male organ causes intense pain along with bleeding, bruising or deep swelling, it's time to head to the emergency room. The staff may need to stitch the area back together, or they may use ice or compression to keep the swelling from spreading.
Broken Male Organ
A firm male organ, filled with blood, is firm and somewhat inflexible. If a man chooses to move in one direction while his organ is moving in another direction, the stiff fibers could just snap, and the pain can be intense. Any injury to a firm male organ that's accompanied by a cracking or snapping sound, along with a change in the appearance of the male organ, should be followed by an immediate trip to the emergency room. Surgery might be required to repair the damage, and a man with a broken male organ might also need intense painkillers to help him handle the sensation.
Long-Lasting and Unwanted Tumescence
It might sound like a joke, but some men develop tumescence that lasts and lasts with no break, even when the man doesn't feel stimulated in any way. The organ just won't relax, even when the action is over and has been over for quite some time. Men who have tumescence that has lasted for four hours or more should visit an emergency room for advice. Sometimes, medications can be used to numb the response, but sometimes, medical professionals need to do intensive tests to determine why the firmness persists and what can be done about it.
Inability to Urinate
Some painful male organ conditions are accompanied by a persistent urge to urinate, and an inability to do so. This is a serious medical emergency, as a body that can't expel waste can simply shut down altogether. The male organ pain might move into the kidneys in this situation, and the damage caused might be permanent. In a hospital, a man can undergo testing to determine the cause of the blockage, and he can get appropriate medical treatment to start the flow and prevent the damage. It's best to get that process started as quickly as possible.
Other Solutions
Some conditions aren't medical emergencies, but they can cause intense pain and suffering. Common male organ complaints include:
While a visit to the doctor is never a bad idea when male organ pain is involved, at-home care can help a man limp along until his appointment arrives. If the skin isn't open and bleeding, a male organ health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be a wonderful addition to home care. Products like this may soothe tender skin, softening the rough edges and allowing feelings of irritation to fade. These products can also nourish the skin, so it may be less vulnerable to pain in the future.
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