Onchocerciasis is the second highest reason for causing blindness but can be controlled with generic Stromectol (Ivermectin).

commonly known as river blindness, is a parasitic infection spread through Simulium blackfly that are infected by Onchocerca volvulus. These flies usually reproduce near moving water (streams, rivulets) and hence humans found in the vicinity of such places suffer from this disease more often. Worldwide, nearly half a million people become completely blind and slightly more than a quarter of million humans become visually impaired. Its effect is so devastating that it has been labeled as the second most likely reason of blindness.
Due to such an impact of this deadly disease, it is essential to understand the disease and the ways of treating it. Physicians may usually suggest that patients buy Stromectol (Ivermectin), as it is the most effective treatment in treating Onchocerciasis. Users can order Stromectol online from any online drugstore or purchase Stromectol from their regular pharmacy. Usually, patients living in areas infested by Simulium blackfly don’t need to buy Stromectol as it is provided free by health bodies like the World Health Organization (WHO), NGOs, local municipal bodies, etc. in these locations.
As mentioned earlier, this is an infection spread by a parasite that is transmitted to humans from another host – the Simulium blackfly. Once the fly carrying the worms, onchocerca volvulus, bites a human being, the parasitic worm is transferred to the human being. When this infestation reaches a high level, the infested person suffers from one or more of the following conditions:
c Skin irritation causing the patient to continuously scratch it.
c Eye infection.
c Nodular growths just below the skin surface.
The most severe impact of this infection is the growth of lesions in eyes, which can affect patient eyesight and may also cause blindness.
The problem with this infestation is that the symptoms don’t show up immediately. The patient may very well carry the worms for a year or more, inside them - until it reaches adulthood and starts reproducing. The lifespan of an adult female Onchocerca volvulus can be anywhere between ten to fifteen years, during which it may spawn millions of larvae. These larvae are the actual reasons for the symptoms and cause the maximum damage.
Infestation prone populations and use of generic Stromectol (Ivermectin)
This worm is usually found in nearly 30 African countries, six American countries, Yemen and the Middle East. Usually Africa’s agriculture dependant regions, based near river basins have shown high incidents of this disease. The infections in the Americas and other places are comparatively negligible. Compared to Malaria, for this infestation to occur properly, the victim should be bitten more than once. Hence the possibility of short-term travelers to contract this infection is very low. In spite of this, nearly 37 million people are infected and many have to suffer the infection for a long period of time.
Generic Stromectol (Ivermectin) is recommended as the best medication against this infection. Usually the patient is asked to buy Stromectol every six months of the adult worms lifespan or until the infection persists. Generic Ivermectin kills the larvae inhibiting the harm caused by this parasite. Apart from this, the patient can adopt a number of preventive measures that can prevent blackflies from transferring the parasites.