All on 4 dental implants are leading the way for full mouth restoration. If you're missing all you're teeth, you can be going home tonight with all new teeth in one day. Read to learn more.
Are you tired of how dentures are treating you? Denture cause more trouble than you ask for. Amongst the complaints about dentures are ones about them slipping out at the most inopportune times, as well making eating and chewing much more difficult. Dentures are the solution of the past, no longer are they the solution we want now.
All on 4 Dental Implants is the solution for you if you’re looking to replace your denture or your deteriorating teeth. It is the solution for you if you want teeth in one day. We want to talk to you today about Same Day Dental Implants and what you can do to take full advantage of them.
Same Day Dental Implants
Dental implants are the #1 solution for replacing missing teeth due to their reliability, natural appearance and comfortability. From dental implants arose a technique called All on 4 that allows anyone to get an entire set of new teeth in one day. For the past 2 decades, All on 4 has been significantly modified and enhanced to improve comfortability and longevity.
All on 4 gets its name from the 4 dental implants that act as secure roots for a fixed prosthesis. Two implants act as canine teeth, while two other implants act of molar teeth across from one another. State of the art CT scans are used to quickly capture digital images of your oral cavity as it rotates around your head with little to none discomfort. A surgical guide is then molded using your CT scans to visualize the placement of the dental implants before the dentist inserts them into you, minimizing problems and risks of failure. This is all done within a matter hours, all in one day. This is why All on 4 is also known as Same Day dental implants.
Teeth in Just One Day!
One of the biggest questions we get is whether the fixed prosthesis can be placed the same day as the dental implants are. Here’s the answer.
You will go home at the end of the day with a temporary denture attached to the implants. There’s a healing period up to 6 months to give the implants time to accommodate to the stresses in your mouth. Physical digestion and your tongue pushing and shoving food around your mouth are just some of the stresses. You’re fixed prosthesis isn’t placed until the end of the healing period as it gives the implants time to settle into their place before anything permanent is fitted on top of them. Those who wait the entirety of the healing period see almost double the success rate (98%) than those who get their fixed prosthesis loaded the same day as their implants (50%). The temporary dentures is all but a small bump in the road that anyone has to go through before getting their fixed prosthesis securely attached.
Treat Yourself to What You Need
Teeth is essential to our daily lives, and you can get all new teeth in just one day with All on 4 dental implants. No long will you have to worry about a mouth full of cavities and decaying teeth. You’ll only enjoy the improvements in your self-esteem and overall well-being, as well as look in the mirror and feel confident about your smile. Your teeth say so much about you when you’re out and about, why not have people compliment you about your teeth than them snickering to themselves about a mouth full of disappointment?
It’s never too late to get a third set of teeth, whether you’re fresh out of college or well into your senior years. Get All on 4 Dental Implants, get back your teeth in just one day.
Unveiling the Truth About Dental Implants
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