Get To Know About Warts - What Causes Them And What Get Rids Of Them
Removing warts is best left to a physician. This article analyzes the cause of warts and several techniques to remove them.
Warts are downright ugly. That explains the need of many people to remove them immediately. Warts are best dealt with using the assistance and expertise of a qualified doctor or a dermatologist.

or Human Papilloma Virus, is the culprit that should be blamed for the growths known as skin warts. Warts grown when the virus enters the skin through a cut or a wound. The top layer of the skin would then grow into a wart. We can name 5 common types of warts that grow in various ways all over the body. Warts commonly appear on the hands of the person. Most often, they are gray-brown in color. They are also dome-shaped and not at all smooth in texture. Warts can grow on the soles of one's feet, and these are known as Plantar Warts. They are dark-speckled, and are also especially hard and thick. Walking becomes an ordeal when these warts are growing on your feet. If you see flat warts on the face or on the arms and legs, these are known as Flat Warts. These flat warts vary in color. They range from yellow to pink, and then brown. The last 2 types of warts are the Filliform Warts and the Periungual Warts. Warts found around the nose and mouth are known as the Filliform Warts. Periungual Warts, on the other hand, frequently appear around the toenails and fingernails. Periungual warts can be painful if they grow under toenails, especially when you walk or run.
HPV or Human Papilloma Virus can be contracted when bodily fluids carrying the virus make their way in through a cut in the skin. Sharing personal items such as razors and towels could do that to you. Therefore it's better not to share razors, towels and other items which can transfer bodily fluids. The best cure would still be to prevent the warts from growing. After touching a wart, make sure not to scratch other parts of the body. Otherwise, the warts will spread.
The first rule in wart removal is this: never use a sharp or pointed device to cut them or lance through them. Infections are bound to take place if this is how you do things. It would be wisest if you go straight to a doctor and ask for his help. The doctor would then proceed towards performing a biopsy. He would take a sample of the wart, which he would then inspect using a microscope. It is through this biopsy that all data or information about the warts will be revealed. The doctor will also be able to find out if they can lead to cancer in the future.
You can remove warts through a number of home remedies that include, but are not limited to, salicylic acid or duct tape. There are also medications that can be applied or injected directly to the warts so they can be removed. You can ask your doctor about this. Another process you could turn to is freezing. This process is otherwise known as cryotherapy.
These treatments can be relied on in terms of safety. But it has happened too many times in the past that warts that have already been removed can grow back. After all, what you removed is the wart, not the virus causing it.
If you want to know how to remove warts, your best source of information is a doctor. They would be the best people to approach about this problem since they have the requisite training, skill and competence to deal with skin warts and similar problems.