Getting Acquainted With Causes & Symptoms of Drug Dependence

Aug 15


John Steave

John Steave

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Using drugs can make drastic changes to the functioning of your body. Check out this guide to discover causes & symptoms of drug dependence, and drug withdrawal & detox.


Functioning of the body is affected by using drugs. Bodily systems and brain change while using drugs. Although some of these changes are minor,Getting Acquainted With Causes & Symptoms of Drug Dependence Articles however, some can be life-threatening. Some drugs modify the body in a way that substances are required essentially for normal functioning. A person can fall sick due to quitting drugs, a condition called withdrawal, which is absolutely normal during the process in drug rehab centers San Jose. The concern is that its effects can be extremely comfortable, so it is crucial for addicts who wish to recover to seek professional assistance to make certain a safe detox.

Drug Dependence – Causes & Symptoms

Some individuals use drugs to develop drug dependence, which means that their bodies cannot function normally without the drug. Here are some of the causes of drug dependence:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Peer pressure
  • Environmental or emotional distress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

The symptoms of drug dependence include:

  • Need for daily drug use to function normally
  • Using drugs alone
  • Avoiding or performing poorly in routine actively
  • Lack of control of drug use
  • Violence and hostility related to drug use
  • Continued use of drugs despite social, psychological and physical damage

Addiction is a devastating disease that can cripple users. However, at drug rehab centers in San Jose, the addiction can be overcome.

Drug Withdrawal & Detox

Numerous individuals go through detox under medical supervision as withdrawal symptoms are often very uncomfortable and occasionally life-threatening. Detox is often defined as a set of interventions aimed at managing acute intoxication and withdrawal with the objective to clear the drug from the body while minimizing physical harm. For an effective detox, the following three elements are considered highly crucial.

  • Evaluation – Healthcare professionals should test for drugs in the individual’s system and identify any co-occurring psychological or physical conditions. This evaluation should serve as the foundation of the individual’s later rehab program.
  • Assistance with entry into treatment – Since detox alone rarely ensures long-term recovery, a detox program should accentuate the significance of continuing on to rehab after physical addiction breaks.
  • Stabilization – This element is the core of detox, and it involves helping the addict manage withdrawal symptoms through counseling at drug rehab centers in San Jose. It even involves explaining what the individual’s role will be in his own treatment and recovery.