Vista Bay Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Centers in California
About Vista Bay, your number one stop for Cocaine addiction rehabilitation.
Vista Bay has comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in California that have an incredibly high success rate for achieving a permanent recovery from addiction. Unlike many other drug rehab centers the Vista Bay drug rehab treatment centers are non-profit. They are dedicated to and specialize in helping individuals rid themselves of addiction to illicit and prescription drugs and alcohol abuse.Not only are the Vista Bay rehab facilities excellent choices for individuals living in California,

but they are also well-suited for individuals living outside of the state. There is an increased chance of success for recovery from drug and alcohol abuse if one chooses a rehab center that is not in their local area. One can speculate as to the reason for this; however, a non-local environment has been shown to help contribute to a permanent solution.Vista Bay drug rehab is considered to be a holistic or non-traditional. Vista Bay takes a drug-free approach to recovery. While many other centers may offer prescription medication as an avenue for treatment, Vista Bay rehab remains firm on the proposition that swapping one drug for another in the form of prescription medication does not promote permanent recovery.Vista Bay has a hot dry sauna detoxification process, which helps the body purge itself from toxins naturally. The process includes fluid intake and vitamin supplementation. Upon detoxification, the Vista Bay rehab includes life skill education courses, which provide essential tools to help individuals follow a path that promotes a drug-free and fulfilling life.The Vista Bay drug rehab discharge plan is a comprehensive plan that outlines a strategy for a graduate of the Vista Bay program to follow when they are successfully discharged. In the event that a graduate from one of the Vista Bay rehab centers relapses while following their discharge plan, they are able to return to Vista Bay with no additional charge for additional treatment.Vista Bay rehab charges a single fee for their drug rehab program. And there is no pre-determined length of stay for each individual. This provides peace of mind during recovery. It alleviates the fear that one would have to come-up with addition money or leave Vista Bay if they are not ready.Vista Bay has been helping people find permanent solutions to drug and alcohol addiction for 42 years. Over that time the Vista Bay drug rehab program has attained a permanent recovery rate of seventy percent, while many other traditional programs are as low as two percent. They are in the industry to help people.