Getting Acquainted With The Different Types Of Patient Transfer Lifts
Getting injured or any chronic suffering may land a person easily on a hospital bed. Sometimes the ailment or injury is so chronic that it becomes impossible for a person to practically move.
At this point of time,

the caregivers at the hospital face a great deal of difficulties in moving the patients from one ward to the other. They have to put in a lot of physical power apart from being extremely careful in helping the patient change his/her position and then carry them to a stretcher or wheel chair for being moved to another place. This is the place where the role of RoMedic lifts comes into play. These lifts help a lot in carrying the patients and transferring them to other places in an easy manner.
The RoMedic lifts understands the position of the caregiver and encourages the relationship between the caregiver and the patient. What is easy for a caregiver will be in turn easy for the user as well. These lifts caress the patients in a comfortable and well brawny manner, and handling the patients becomes even easier for the caregiver. There are a great deal of lifts available out there and some of the most useful and popular ones are discussed further in this article. Have a closer look at these types in order to know in detail about them.
1.Manual Lifting Aids
When lifting manually, it becomes important to not lift the person more than his/her ability. These lifts enable the users to make use of proper and comfortable postures and get ready to be moved through the aids. Some of the main types of manual aids include LiftSeat, Fleximove and MiniStretcher.
2.Ceiling Lifts
The Ceiling RoMedic lifts have been mainly developed for facilitating easy transfer activities of the users. These lifts make use of a number of useful accessories in order to perform its functions. Some main available types of ceiling lifts include Rise450M, Rise450T, Rise625M, Rise625T and RisePorto.
3.Rail System
These are mainly used as ideal mediums for catering to the permanent lifting needs. The main available types of rail systems include ceiling system and castors.
4.Mobile Lifts
These are the ProMedic Lifts that are rolled on the floor for making the transfer of users from one room to the other quite easy. They can serve as healthy alternatives to the manual lifts and are perfect for the lifting situations when the location of transfer is not known before hand.
So, these were some of the main types of ProMedic Lifts available for easing the lifting process in a safe and secure manner.