Glaucoma treatment
Glaucoma is a an eye disease which touches more and more people.
Glaucoma is a degenerative disease that left untreated can cause permanent damage to the optic nerve resulting in gradual vision loss and blindness in the final. Damage to the optic nerve due to glaucomais usually caused by elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Clear fluid,

called aqueous humor, circulates around the eyes in order to provide nourishment to the tissues and exerts pressure helps maintain the shape of the eye.Vision loss from glaucoma is permanent, but you can prevent early detection and treatment. Glaucoma management is usually a lifelong process that requires frequent monitoring and constant treatment. Since there is no way to determine if glaucoma is under control, based on how a person feels, a doctor should be kept.Treatment focuses on lowering the pressure inside the eye to prevent nerve damage. Eye drops are often used to control glaucoma, however, can be very expensive, have unwanted side effects, and can be taken until the end of his life. If non-surgical methods fail to decrease pressure, surgery may be required. Some treatments are selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT), peripheral iridotomy (PI), or glaucoma occurs when fluid is to increase production or reduce the discharge of fluid, damaging the optic nerve fibers and gradually causing peripheral (side) vision loss. Aqueous humor flows from the eye through the trabecular mesh near the edge of the iris. If the trabecular reticulum is blocked, restricting drainage, the pressure inside the eye rises.Vision loss from glaucoma is permanent, but you can prevent early detection and treatment. Glaucoma management is usually a lifelong process that requires frequent monitoring and constant treatment. Since there is no way to determine if glaucoma is under control, based on how a person feels, a doctor should be kept.