Hair Loss Causes: Eating Disorders that Trigger Hair Problems
In this appearance-conscious society, looking beautiful is something all of us secretly or openly crave for.
In this appearance-conscious society,

looking beautiful is something all of us secretly or openly crave for.It is only natural that we want to look our very best. However, when a preoccupation of something — like an obsession for becoming thin — takes over our eating habits, it may be a sign of something bad.Indeed, when we suffer from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, our desire to lose weight becomes a priority more than anything else. We may even lose the ability to see ourselves for who we really are.Anorexia and Bulimia: An OverviewSocial pressures to stay thin is the main cause of anorexia and bulimia. It is believed that millions of people all over the world are affected with these eating disorders. Both of these eating disorders are characterized by severe and dangerous weight loss.Anorexia — is an emotional disorder characterized by a fear of becoming fat, resulting to reduced appetite for or total aversion to food. This eating disorder will cause a person to engage in starvation or intense dieting to the point of becoming extremely thin.Bulimia — is an emotional disorder characterized by compulsive over-eating followed by behaviours like self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, fasting and excessive exercise to avoid weight gain. A bulimic’s self-esteem is heavily dependent on body weight and body image.Effects of Anorexia and Bulimia to Hair GrowthHair fall, hair loss and hair thinning problems are among the many physical symptoms of an eating disorder. These conditions can be attributed to malnutrition and the lack of vitamins and minerals on the body due to food restriction.The natural cycle of hair growth is damaged by anorexia and bulimia because of gastric abnormalities, starvation or reduced vital organ performance caused by malnutrition.Both anorexia and bulimia are considered to be hair loss causes since such disorders can temporarily disrupt the hair growth cycle wherein the hair follicles skip past the anagen phase (hair growth) and prematurely enter the telogen phase (hair shedding).Unless treated accordingly, hair fall, hair thinning and hair loss problems will continue and possibly worsen.In addition, when proper nutrients are not absorbed in the body, internal activities such the maintenance of healthier hair are put on hold. The hair follicles are signalled to go into hibernation since the nutrients are saved for more vital body functions. If this process goes on for years, the follicle may become dormant, leading to its eventual death.Prevent Hair Loss, Stop Anorexia and BulimiaIn order to treat people suffering from bulimia and anorexia and to normalize hair growth once again, a combination of methods must be employed. Using anti-depressants and psychotherapy are recommended to stop bulimia and anorexia.However, if the person has been suffering from these eating disorders for a long time, then medical care and nutritional therapy are best. Other sufferers of these disorders may even need to undergo hospitalization, depending on the severity of their condition.Once the condition is eliminated, hair can grow back normally as the nutrients essential for the development of healthier hair follicles will become available.