Hairs are first thing that any body notices about you. Your personality at a glance is reflected by your physical appearance and your hairs. It is also said that hairs are the index of your body’s metabolism.
Winter - it's time to test not only for our tender skin,

and hair, easier to prevent problems than it solved. Large changes in temperature greatly affect the female body as a whole, therefore, always necessary to calculate all measures to protect against adverse natural effects.
If you do not wear winter hats, this could lead to muscle disease hair roots, which resulted in the hair begin to thin out. Try not to wear headgear close - they are in violation of the circulation and nutrition of hair, inhibit the access of air to the skin of the head. Hairs, which tightly flag hair, too, lead to disastrous results. If the parting is always done in the same place - it could soon lead to a small section of the balding head. It is not laid, combing wet hair, or plait, as they are very fragile and easily break, then - fell.
Hair loss
Avoid hair yourself; you can only where it is connected only with the improper or inadequate care, disruption of the sebaceous and sweat glands and hair roots of malnutrition. Consider normal fallout of a hundred hairs a day. In cases where hair loss is related to disease the whole body or individual organs, it is necessary to refer to a specialized doctor and, if necessary, treatment.
For those who are sure that the hair reedit due to seasonal changes, there are several popular recipes that will help prevent such problems.
When hair losses are most often used for this rubbing of the skin head, the effectiveness of such treatment would be higher if you hold the course. The broth should rub 2 times a week for 1 month.
The broth from 100 g of fresh or dried nettle leaves to pour 0.5 liters of water and vinegar. Boil 30 minutes. Insist 40 minutes, filter. 2 tablespoons of oak bark and peel onions pour 1 liter of boiled water and keep on fire for 1 hour.
If your hair falls beam used for rubbing tincture of red peppers. To prepare the tincture 1 part red pepper pour 10 parts of 70-degree alcohol, insist on 6-7 days and filter. Then infusion divorce in 10 parts of boiled water and 2-3 times a week (preferably overnight), rub in the hairy skin of the head.
After washing hair head follow composition: 4 to take part calendula flowers and shredded burdock root, 3 parts of hop cones (should get about 50 g of this collection), add 1 liter of water and boil thoroughly for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, strain.
Effective there is another very simple recipe. Wash hair with warm water without soap, then gently massaging the skin of head, rub it in for 10-15 minutes, salt, and then rinse hair thoroughly with water.
For the treatment of hair loss is often used masks, which should be done every 2-3 weeks.
1 tablespoon honey (no slides), mix with 1 tablespoon of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of kefir, a pair of ground cloves garlic, 1 / 2 teaspoon cocoa, 1 teaspoon of honey. All thoroughly mixed, then add 1 from the mass of the egg and again stir.
Vitamins Hair
Often poor condition of the hair due to internal reasons, one being the lack of vitamins, summer is the most favorable time of year to take care of their required amounts. We recall what vitamins are useful for health and beauty of your hair.
If you have a brittle and dry hair and skin is colorless, most likely you do not have enough vitamin A, which is contained in products of animal origin, but the body also produces it from the B-carotene. Vitamin A reduces the appearance of dandruff and stimulates the regeneration of the skin, it is found in milk, butter, liver, vegetables and fruit, B-carotene in a lot of spinach, carrots, parsley and tomatoes.
If your hair falls too heavily, and at the corners of the mouth, lips and tongue began inflammation, this may indicate a lack of vitamin B 2, soluble in water. It is contained in meat, milk, egg yolk, yeast and liver.
Vitamin B 6 in cosmetology used to stimulate hair growth, but also for the health of the skin and nails. He is very much in the beans, liver and vegetables.
Vitamin F - butyric acid - found in vegetable oils and fats is necessary for strength and elasticity of skin and hair.
Vitamin B 12 is contained in products of animal origin - a liver, kidney, milk, meat and eggs, in cosmetology vitamin used in hair loss.