Hairs are first thing that any body notices about you. Your personality at a glance is reflected by your physical appearance and your hairs. It is also said that hairs are the index of your body’s metabolism.
Well-groomed and healthy hair - the dream of every woman,

in fact they are complementary and emphasize the overall image is an indispensable part of female beauty. And this is no surprise: a lot of social issues show that when studying the lady men pay special attention to her hair
For the recipe of beauty - to the witch...In every era there were different styles and requirements for women's hair, but one constant remains: regardless of the time in which women live, their age, representative of the weak floor had to carefully take care of the condition of their hair. After all, the hair was the internal standard of cleanliness, health, and they showed that, whether a young person, like the guy, a good hostess. The hair products were healthy, resilient, quickly grew.
For the dyeing of hair in those days, girls are also often used traditional means: lightens their skin in the broth of onions, chamomile, and ashy hue of hair they can get through the decoction of the seeds of parsley. Many cosmetic recipes our grandmothers survived until today and are an effective way to care for their appearance.
Caring for different types of hair
At the present time to be proud of beautiful hair, women do not have to exert too much effort - Modern Care appearance allows them to take care of as efficiently as possible. Taking care of her hair, first of all, you need to know what type they are.
Recall that the hair - is subordinate bodies of the skin, their status depends on many internal and external reasons; therefore, care should be, given the complex influences of these factors.
Normal hair look healthy, resilient and no injuries, these hairs do not give women too much trouble, but to ensure that the hair remained the same beautiful, it is necessary to avoid factors that adversely affect their status. Frequent coloring, perm, straightening, exposure to direct sunlight, the use of low quality paint or shampoos, forceps and hair, as well as poor nutrition and stress can cause significant damage to your hair, therefore, creating beautiful and harmonious image not to abuse the methods that can spoil it.
Cosmetologists recommend washing the head twice a week, the shampoo should be to make water and divided into two parts: the first used to remove contamination, the second - for a more effective impact. After washing hair conditioner can be used to gently care for them, as well as the skin head satiates useful substances. To the hair look shiny and well-comb, used for rinsing popular tool: Add a little lemon juice or vinegar in the water.
Oily hair gives women a lot of trouble, thus requiring special care, because too intensive development of cutaneous fat contaminates the skin of head and hair, which can result in depriving. If you are not supplied, you have disrupted digestion, or you suffer from hormonal diseases, there is a high probability that it will be displayed on the condition of your hair.
Oily hair, unlike the normal and dry, it should be a special shampoo to wash every day, but not too hot water, because it provokes intense selection skin lubricant. Very useful is swimming in natural waters and drying of hair in the sun. Good effect on fatty rinsing their hair has a decoction of tea or nettle. There are many modern methods of caring for this type of hair.
Mask-wrapping of the egg yolks: one egg yolk, mix with a teaspoon of alcohol and a tea spoon of water. After the first washing mixture wriggle into the skin of head, to hold ten minutes, then rinse the hair.
Mask-wrapping with this chamomile flowers, two tablespoons of chamomile flowers have to pour boiling water and 50 mg insist 4 hours. Then insist strain and whipped into foam. Next, a procedure to carry out the same way as with the above described mask-wrapping. Next, a procedure to carry out the same way as with the above described mask-wrapping.