Hair Restoration Techniques - H+ Procedure

Jul 2


Felipe Splinter

Felipe Splinter

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Hair restoration has evolved considerably over the past decade and without a doubt one of the most advanced, discreet and minimally invasive techniques that emerged over the past decade was the H+ Procedure.


The H+ Procedure starts with a computerised digital scanning to identify anagen follicles in the donor areas that are healthy and non testosterone sensitive.

The donor areas consist of the back and the side of our heads and we have on average 120-140 hairs/cm2,Hair Restoration Techniques - H+ Procedure Articles these follicles are not Testosterone sensitive and therefore live on for the full duration of our lives, in other words they will never fall.

In the donor areas 20-30% of healthy follicles can be transferred simply and effectively with microsurgical tools leaving no visible thinning or scars.

These individual donor follicles are then placed meticulously into thinning areas using the H+ Follicular Implantation Pen. The H+ Follicular Implantation Pen places each hair in the exact same depth, angle and direction that your hair uses to grow creating a natural look.

Finally, the hair-placement zone is penetrated using an H+ Derma-Healing Light. This is a revolutionary new technology system which uses Light Emitting Diodes or LED’s to promote optimum hair growth by boosting circulation to the transplanted follicles, as well as encouraging rapid healing.

For 10 months following the H+ Procedure, it is recommend regular doses of the H+ Growth Peptide in oral form to assist both the growth and rejuvenation of your existing Telogen (weak) hairs in the thinning zone and also to encourage optimum growth of the newly placed follicles.

Normally techniques that are successful in Caucasian men don't have the same results in Afro descent patients, but thanks the refinements in the H+ Procedure this is no longer a reality.

African hair can be divided into two distinct, but overlapping types; one that is wiry and tightly kinked and other that has a looser, wavier kink with a softer feel. The surgery in each case must observe slight differences. The hair shaft of African hair is oval on cross section (in contrast the round shafts of Caucasians and Asians).

African hair is also unique in that the density of naturally occurring follicular units is relatively low (they are spaced farther apart). Africans have an average density of about 0.65 follicular units/mm2, in contrast to Caucasians with an average density of 1.0 follicular unit/mm2.

The following table compares some easily measurable aspects of the follicular units in Africans/African Americans and Caucasians.



Follicular Unit Density (mm2)



Average Hair Density (hairs/mm2)



Predominant Hair Grouping



Understanding the unique hair qualities of African hair enables the surgeon to help the African/African American patient achieve the best possible results with this highly effective hair restoration transplants.

Post Procedure

Tiny red marks will be apparent in the donor site for usually 2-4 days following the procedure. The skin will then revert to the looking as it did before, and hairs will begin to grow through in just 8-12 weeks.