New tests and research show that specifically targeted video games can help children heal themselves of cancer
Our power to heal through the mind is so powerful, that a company in California has launched a video game for cancer patients, advancing serious games for health. HopeLab, funded by Pam Omidyar, wife of ebay co-founder Pierre Omidyar, has created Re-Mission. The personal computer game leads players on a series of twenty missions where they play a character named Roxxi, a ‘nanobot’ who enters the bodies of patients and zaps cancer cells. The game teaches ‘honest and blunt’ subjects to kids, such as how to deal with side effects of medication such as constipation. Pam Omidyar started the nonprofit company in 2001. She thought about combining the effort to fight cancer in teens and children with their love for video games. She pulled together biologists, oncologists and game developers to use the violent action game to fit the subject since kids are literally fighting for their lives. The HopeLab commissioned a $3.7 million study of 375 cancer patients in thirty-four cities and three countries to get a scientific evaluation of the game. The study showed that children who played the game were more likely to take their medicines and keep up with chemotherapy. As a result, they had a much better survival rate. If the tests prove true, it will be quite remarkable and further support the belief that the human body has the ability to fight cancer on its own. The mind just needs to figure out how. After all, we do not really understand the cases of spontaneous healing in cancer. At one time, tumors are present, then later tests show that the tumors have disappeared. Medical practitioners are quick to assert that there must have been an error in diagnostic. But we know so little of the healing system that spontaneous healing of cancer is not even largely studied. Whether the healing occurred through the immune system’s ability to win over cancer in a normal body, the powers of visualization, meditation, or the patient’s intense desire to live, one fact remains is that cancer can be healed and is often healed.
There is an exhaustive study of spontaneous healing of cancer and the mechanisms involved. Few books have been willing to so thoroughly investigate this ability of the human body to heal itself, including of cancer. Read Cancer Free For Life in a downloadable version.
Prostate Cancer -:- Are You At Risk?
From the office of Dr Magne, author of Cancer Free For LifeThe Reality of Self-Healing Cancer
From the office of Dr Magne, author of Cancer Free For Life.Understanding Prostatitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Prostatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland, which can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. This inflammation can be acute, chronic, or noninfectious, and it often causes pain in the lower back, testicles, rectum, and penile glans. Men may experience issues with ejaculation, urination, and defecation. Understanding prostatitis is crucial for effective management and treatment, as it can significantly impact a man's quality of life.