Hearing Aid Electronics: Different Types and Their Maintenance
There are 2 types of electronics that are used in a hearing aid. Some aids have analog electronics and some have digital. Whether you get one rather than another may depend mainly on what you want to pay.
If you are in the market for a hearing aid then perhaps you have been researching the various styles and what ones would work the best for you. Along with looking at the styles,

you may want to consider the electronics that are put inside each of the aids. There are 2 types that can be used on aids. There are analog and digital.
Analog aids take the sound waves that are being produced, and they translate them into signals that are electronic. These signals are then made louder through amplification. If you purchase an analog then it will have been made specifically for you. The person who manufactures the product will get the information necessary for your device from the professional with whom you have been working. Once your device is programmed then you will be able to adjust it in some ways. If a room is quiet you can adjust it to this need. If a room is loud then you can adjust it for this as well. These types of aids will likely cost you less money than a digital type.
Digital aids are more of a computer. Whereas the analog type turns sound waves into electronic signals, digital aids translate the sounds to numerical code. The code can actually be programmed so that it is able to also make some frequencies louder than others. This type of hearing aid will more flexibly be adjusted by the professional to what the individual needs.
Your audiologist may have a preference concerning whether you get an analog or a digital hearing aid. A digital might have its benefits, but ultimately it will depend on what is best for you and what you can afford.
If you are concerned that the individual trying to sell you a hearing aid is just in it for the money then you might be right. They may need a commission for getting you to purchase a hearing aid. What is important is that what they are telling you is all accurate information and that you are not being taken advantage of. If you are concerned about this then you might be wise to look into it further by even going to another place that sells aids to see how the prices compare and what they have to say about your needs.
Once you find a place that you believe is trustworthy then hopefully you are further on your journey to being able to hear once again as you used to be able. This is not an area to avoid out of embarrassment. It will be well-worth it to be able to communicate with friends and family again.