Hearing Aids are the Smallest Miracle Workers
Hearing aids are one of technology's little wonders. They are proof that we have evolved quite a bit from our primitive ancestors in medical science.
People have been suffering from hearing loss ever since the beginning of time. In primitive times,

there was not much a person could do if they started to lose their hearing. There weren't any audiologist or hearing aids around. Technology was virtually nonexistent and man had not developed that much to understand the physiology of the ear and how it correlated to sound. As man progressed and technology advanced, crude adaptions of hearing aids were developed as this problem became more widespread and started to affect people who were in power.
One of the first kinds of ear trumpets was a device that was shaped like a snail shell or cone. The shape was to collect the sound from the direction it was pointed in. The sound that was gathered was directed into the ear it was being held against. This hearing aid helped people who hard of hearing recognize most of what was being said. These devices were only marginally effective at the time.
As technology continued to advance hearing aids became much smaller and more effective. The first device was made by Harvey Fletcher. It consisted of 3 main components; a wire, an ear mold and a case. The case housed the circulatory components such as the battery, amplifier and modular controls. The ear mold contained a speaker. These devices are still available today since they are less expensive than some of the more attractive hearing aids.
Another kind of ear trumpet is the behind the ear model. The bte consisted of an ear mold, case and a connecting device. The behind the ear model is often used for those individuals who are suffering from a mild and extensive hearing loss. Since most of the device sits on the outside of the ear, there is no need to worry about having to get it cleaned since earwax cannot accumulate on it.
In the ear devices fit in the crease of the ear and not very visible to others unless they are close by and are next to the ear that it is in. They have to be custom made to insure a proper fit. These devices are not generally recommended for children since children are still growing and they would have to be refitted quite a few times before adulthood. This was an expense many people could not handle comfortably.
One of the latest and most popular kind of ear horn is the invisible hearing device that sits within the ear canal. It sits so far within the canal that it cannot be seen even when someone is looking directly into the ear it is worn in. This device is very effective because it is made in a similar shape of the ear drum and it does not take up so much space of the outer ear which aids in hearing. People who wear these ear trumpets hear in a more natural way almost as if they never lost their hearing at all or had to wear an assistive device.