Hearing Center- Hearing Aid Types and Styles
If you have found a hearing center and are ready to get an aid to help you hear, it is a good idea to know a little bit about the various types and styles. Knowing what each is all about might help you to make the right decision.
There are variety of hearing aid styles and 2 main types of hearing aids available today. If you have already had your ears tested at a hearing center and found that you do have a problem,

then you might be headed towards choosing an aid that will work for you. By doing some research, you will be able to find out on your own what ones will work the best for the price.
The 2 main types of aids are analog and digital. Analog was developed first, and digital has since been made more attractive and usable than when it was originally developed. Both aids can be programmed. The programming ability in digital aids may be more flexible than in analog. Digital aids may also be more helpful in places where there is more background noise.
There are 5 main styles of aids available today. There are those that are behind-the-ear, completely-in the-canal, in-the-canal, in-the-ear, and a mini type that goes behind the ear or on it and has a receiver that is actually in the canal.
The behind-the-ear aids are good for children because it can basically grow with the child. This is also a device that holds up well and is fairly easy to be cleaned.
The in-the-canal aids are the smallest available and are good cosmetically because of their size and because most or the entire device is in the canal. They are also advantageous for listening to some degree. The disadvantage to this type of aid is that they may be hard to adjust and care for because they are small. In-the-ear aids may be easier to take care of because they are larger. The shell that holds the parts of this aid is in the outer part of the ear.
The mini behind-the-ear aids have a receiver in the canal which connects to a behind the ear part. This type of aid is good cosmetically, for comfort, as well as for helping with a decrease in feedback.
So if you are concerned about the cosmetic side of having an aid, you might consider the mini aid or the 2 in-the-canal aid styles. If you have children, then you might go with the behind-the- ear aid because of their durability and ability to grow with the child.
The hearing center that you go to will likely have some advice as to what aid to use for your situation, but make sure that you look at the prices alongside all of the devices. Some people at the hearing center might really want to make a higher sale, so they might suggest one that costs more. It is a good idea to have done your own research, so that you can make an informed decision.