Help Your Plastic Surgeon with These 3 Pieces of Information
Three tips for what to discuss with your plastic surgeon will be elaborated on to enhance your cosmetic procedure..
Making the decision to have a cosmetic procedure performed is a big deal,

even life changing. This is true whether the results of the surgery meet your expectations or they don't. However, what you may not be aware of is the fact that there are things that you can do in an effort to increase your chances of a successful procedure and recovery process. Specifically, you can get over your fear of talking to your surgeon by providing him/her with pertinent information that can and will influence the outcome of your procedure.
The first and perhaps most obvious piece of information that can help your plastic surgeon is the history of your major surgeries. This information should also include cosmetic procedures as well. While telling your surgeon about your past surgeries should be obvious, you would be surprised how many people forget or willingly neglect to offer this information, causing severe consequences to their health as well as jeopardizing the results of the procedure. For example, neglecting to tell your surgeon that you had a prior mishap with anesthesia could prove lethal if the necessary precautions are not taken. Another piece of information that can help your plastic surgeon is your expectations of the results. Although the topic of expectations is usually discussed during the initial consultation, if it isn't, you should make it your priority to bring up the issue with your surgeon. The results of that discussion can lead to changes that can positively enhance your procedure and overall experience. The third piece of information that can help your plastic surgeon is a listing of allergies that you may have and medications that you may be currently taking. Of all the information that you could give your surgeon about yourself, this is probably the most critical. This is especially true because of the potential lethal consequences. As a result, you should tell your surgeon if are taking anything from heart medication to oral contraceptives and everything in between, as well as allergies to things such as anesthesia or latex.
Depending on the nature of your cosmetic procedure, letting your surgeon know certain information can influence your procedure in a positive or negative way. In doing so, it is imperative that you take the time to inform your surgeon so that he/she can avert any potential obstacles that may negatively impact the success of your procedure. Specifically, you can help your plastic surgeon by giving him/her 3 pieces of information, including the history of your major surgeries, your expectations of the results as well as a listing of allergies that you may have and medications that you may be currently taking.