Herbal Way To Black Hair
India is fast becoming one of the hot seats for all types of hair related problems. Herbal products of India are fast becoming popular for gray hair treatment. These products have proved to be effective to prevent gray hair.
Are you more often seen in your baseball cap these days because you don’t want to reveal your graying hair to friends and colleagues? You pounce on any articles that talk about gray hair treatment? Gray hair is giving you jitters? Cool down. Modern herbal products have proved their effectiveness in reducing graying of hair and even promoting new growth of hair in some individuals. As a result these products are fast becoming popular amongst the masses to prevent gray hair. Though there are no concrete proofs to suggest any hair loss remedy or gray hair treatment,

it is widely believed that herbal products are very effective in restricting graying of hair by increasing the life of hair follicles and promoting melanocytes to secrete melanin for a longer duration. Also, numerous hair loss doctors and hair restoration clinic have been advocating the use of herbal products to prevent gray hair. As a result, the traditional land of India is very fast becoming a seat of all type of hair loss remedy. In India, herbal products are derived from plants which are found at specific places and have been used by the local people as home made hair products for gray hair treatment. Surprisingly, these products have proved to be far more beneficial than chemical related products crowding the market today, at a lesser price, and with absolutely no side effects to boot. These herbal products are antifungal in nature and completely eliminate dandruff and even psoriasis. They penetrate the cuticle and fill it out so that the hair never gets frizzy. Brahmi, a north Indian herb for hair grows in the Brahmi plateau some 14000 feet above sea level. It takes around five years for the herb to mature and is known to promote hair growth and retain hair follicles and pigment cells. It returns the scalp’s natural oil production thus preventing premature graying of hair. Shikakai, another powerful herb for hair is found in south India and is also termed as the south Brahmi. It contains 100 times more vitamin C than a grapefruit. It detoxifies the blood in the scalp and stimulates hair growth while enriching the thickness of the hair. Also, it contains numerous anti-oxidants like Vitamin A, D, E and K that encourage healthy hair growth and prevent graying of hair. The advocates of Ayurveda in India also propagate herb called Bringaraja or the king of hair for gray hair. It is taken by mouth to strengthen the liver and kidneys and overall, to improve the blood circulation in the hair. It also forms part of the traditional Ayurvedic tonics which are applied to the scalp. As a result of the above, India is fast becoming a wanted place for cure for hair loss, cure for dandruff, gray hair treatment and all other hair related problems. Dermatologists are keenly following the after effects of usage of herbs to come out with new solutions and treatments that can reach the masses. Ayurveda has given new dimensions to gray hair treatment. Join in this revolution to prevent gray hair and get back your natural looks.