Herbs for Hemorrhoids – All Natural Treatment Options

Aug 27


Jeff Donaven

Jeff Donaven

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Piles or better know as hemorrhoids; can be very painful and horrific. This is a severe condition that may require surgery if neglected and left untreated. As a result of your anus not having no skeletal to support it, that when a bowel movement is made along with extreme straining, can cause the veins to swell or distend.


Common Symptoms of Hemorrhoids or Piles:

Common symptoms of Hemorrhoids can be a lack of fiber,Herbs for Hemorrhoids – All Natural Treatment Options Articles Rectal bleeding with bowel movements, Distended veins in swollen anal tissue, and Itching around the anal opening.

How can it be Treated:

Restoring your system and having a healthy diet with fiber can help with this condition. Warm tub or sitz baths several times a day in plain, warm water for about 10 minutes. Application of petroleum jelly.

What caused this condition:

Piles or Hemorrhoids can be caused by numerous reasons such as a junk food diet with too many fried, fatty foods and insufficient fiber, and bulk. Lack of exercise and too much sitting are contributory causes. Hemorrhoids also can be a sign that there is a great imbalance in your system.

How to prevent this condition:

To Prevent this condition, Eat between 25 and 30 grams of fiber a day. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Increase your amount of daily physical activity. Exercise the buttocks muscles. Practice good personal hygiene. Keep the anal area clean and avoid using rough toilet paper. Add stool softeners or laxatives to diet. Also, Weight is a key factor as well.

If you have hemorrhoids, chance are you know that there's a natural approach on treating it. In almost every natural supplement, you usually will see this name, Witch Hazel. No, it's not something medieval, or burned at a stake, it's a plant. Hamamelis virginiana to be exact. Now what do this plant have to do with hemorrhoids? We'll delve deeper to see what makes the witch ticks.

Originally this plant is used by the native American for many kinds of medicine. The medicine is extracted by steaming the twig of the shrub. Makes you wonder how they found it in the first place, eh? But nevertheless, The Doctors Book of Home Remedies explained that it's good for cuts and abrasions. Further studies revealed that the plant can be used as an astringent.

What is an astringent?

Astringent basically means that it's a substance that has the property to shrink or keeping body tissue together. Meaning it holds the softer tissue of our body together, much needed in hemorrhoids. Astringent cause the mucous membranes or externally exposed tissue to shrink. This means that it can be used in a broad range, from throat sores, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, or anything involving the soft tissue of the body. In the case of hemorrhoids, it soothes the infected area, also reduce the swelling of the prolapsed area. More importantly, it also serve to stop blood flow to the anal veins. This can make the symptoms worse.

So witch hazel does not exactly witch your hemorrhoids away, it reduces the annoying uncomfortness associated with hemorrhoids by the plant properties as an astringent. No wonder it's an ingredient found in almost every natural cure or supplement for hemorrhoids. But just this won't cut it if you want to heal it properly.

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