Here’s why you should be taking cod liver oil!

Jul 4


Sharad Gaikwad

Sharad Gaikwad

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Ideally, a balanced diet is one that has all the necessary nutrients in just the right and adequate amounts as needed by the body.


The diet is expected to provide all the nutrients that are necessary for the proper growth and development of the body and ensures that you are not consuming any nutritional supplements in excess. However,Here’s why you should be taking cod liver oil! Articles sometimes it is difficult to incorporate all the possible necessary nutrients in the diet.

In a situation where the diet cannot incorporate all the nutrients, you can always make up for the lack of them with natural supplements. Perhaps one of the most well known of these is cod liver oil. This oil has a lot of purposes. It’s extracted from the liver of a cod fish. Having been extracted from the liver, this has a high concentration of Vitamin A which is necessary for vision and immunity, among other things. Lack of Vitamin A can not only impair your vision but also increase the body’s proneness to infections. In fact, cod liver oil has been given for generations because of its high constituency of Vitamins A and D. Cod liver oil is also given to children, especially those below the age of five, to prevent rickets, a disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body.

Since cod liver oil is also fish oil, it also has a decent proportion of omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids aren’t produced in the body and therefore need to be consumed by foods. Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial because they help in the growth and development of brain cells, which boosts memory power tremendously. Besides this, cod liver oil is also useful for arthritic patients as it reduces the joint stiffness caused by the condition. Studies have been conducted to study the impact of regular consumption of cod liver oil, some which has also been hypothesized to treat diabetes and increase mortality among cancer patients, particularly women.

However, the oil should be consumed in extremely controlled amounts. Better known as a source of Vitamin A, overconsumption of the oil can lead to a dangerous condition called hypervitaminosis A (caused by extra presence of Vitamin A in the body). While breastfeeding mothers consume the oil to improve the baby’s development, pregnant women should be extremely careful about how much they are consuming the oil and should keep it to a minimum as excess Vitamin A can affect the embryo’s growth!

Cod liver oil is found in gelatin capsules and should be consumed only after seeking professional advice from your doctor.

One can find a number of Natural supplements to make up for missing vitamins and minerals from your diet. However, all these Nutritional supplements should only be taken after thorough medical checkups. While there isn’t any harm in consuming as many nutrients as possible, excess of some can lead to severe consequences, even affecting other vital organs like the heart and brain. Therefore, before you take these supplements, it’s important to chalk out a diet plan and recognize first what the diet is missing.