Hissing Cobra-Yoga
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Inhaling, circle your arms overhead, and bring your palms together. Interlock your fingers, with index fingers pointing up.
Benefits Forcibly gets rid of stale air and toxins in the bottom of the lungs Focus Keep your chest as low to the ground as you can for as long as you can before arching your body. Hiss as loudly as you can for maximum benefit. Once in the extended forward position with your arms locked,

keep lengthening and stretching through your abdominal muscles as you hiss. Sit on your heels on the floor. Lean forward and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms flat on the floor. Inhale. Exhaling strongly through your mouth (making a hissing sound), slide your chin and chest forward along the floor. Keep your hips low. Push up with your arms, and support your body on locked elbows; drop your head backward, arch your back, and stretch through your abdomen. Continue hissing until you empty your lungs completely. When you run out of breath, inhale while you sit back on your heels, arms extended in front of you, palms flat on the floor. Repeat Hissing Cobra 6 more times, hissing as you slide forward and inhaling as you sit back on your heels. Do not take any extra breaths in between. Sit back on your heels with your arms outstretched and your head on the floor. Rest, and notice how clean your lungs feel. Star Stretch- Improves Circulation to the Abdominal AreaThe act of consciously tensing and releasing your muscles makes you more aware of the difference between the two and of how good relaxation can feel. Benefits Improves circulation to the abdominal areaReleases tension across the abdomen, chest, and back to make breathing easier and deeper Focus Focus on extending and tensing every muscle, even those of your face. As you tense your muscles, visualize your body as being as taut as a guitar string. As you release the tension, visualize yourself as being as soft as a rag doll. Lie on the floor on your back with your arms and legs spread wide, palms facing up your body should resemble the shape of a starfish. Inhale deeply, then exhale. Hold your breath for 7 counts as you stretch and lengthen through your arms, pressing the backs of your hands into the floor. Leave your legs soft. Release and relax. Inhale, then exhale. Hold your breath for a count of 7 as you stretch and lengthen through your legs while pointing your toes to the floor. Leave your upper body soft. Press your lower back to the floor, and tighten your abdominal muscles and buttocks. Release and relax. Inhale, then exhale. Hold your breath for 7 counts as you stretch through your right arm and left leg diagonally through your body, pointing your toes and fingers.Release and relax. Inhale, then exhale. Hold your breath for 7 counts as you stretch through your left arm and right leg diagonally through your body, pointing your toes and fingers. Exhale and relax. Inhale, then exhale. Hold your breath for 7 counts, as you stretch through your arms and legs. Flatten the backs of your hands and your back to the floor, and tighten every muscle in your body, including those of your face. Relax by practicing 3 Full Yoga Breaths .